Jee Hached

Two Necromancers from Jee Hached

Jee Hached is the northen most country, dude to how north it is magic is hard to come by. Its one of the only Human communities where magic is not viewed as a needed thing. The only common magic here is holy magic, as any other kind of magic is much harder to cast up here. Jee Hached is also manly human because people from other places just dont want to live in such a ice landscape. Koroblins, Humblins, Ect, are a treat to see in Green Ice. worldly


Most people in Jee Hached live by the sea and either work by fishing, or sheap hearding. A lot of it's clothing reloves around those jobs, making it easy to pick up and understand who has what job at a glace. Just about each job you can think of in Jee Hached has there own kind of hat that they are ment to wear. Many people also wear the cmmon tools of there job as actresseries, and to be at a convitent place to reach for and use.

Jeel food is very meat heavy for a Human culture, with summer time being one of the only times where they can easily get a hold of berries. Trading furit from other coutries is extreamly rare and hard. as most countries do not want to trade with Jee Hached, it cost a lot and they dont get much back. it is common tho to find plants from the ocean to help fill the diet. Stews and soups are the most common foods.


Long ago in the BV eara (Before velika) people from the necrol lands sailed and settled on Jee Hached. A Empty icy land that was hard to live on. Many peopel do not understand why they would settle on such unknown harsh lands and each peopel who lives there now have their own ideas about why they went to live on Jee Hached so long ago.

Being such a small coutnry with a small popluation, the rest of the worst didnt really care much about Jee Hached. For most of Jee Hached's Hsitory it was isolated from the rest of the world. And that has lead Hached to have a diffrent langure and culuter that has separated from the main Necrol culuter.

Demography and Population

Many Human with about 1% other spcies.