Kaibul is a country that is to the west of Eydan and the East of Sufin. most of its land is either high snowy mountains, sand dunes, or dry grasslands. The people of Kaibul became prideful of being able to thrive in such a harsh landscape. The animals of Kaibul are equally built for the harsh elements, deer who have scales, creatures built to blend into the sand, and beast who can change there body to live in high mountains and long grasslands. When Kaibul was first founded they where home to mainly TeOi (Herbivore Faced) and Boin (Reptile like) Koroblin. As time went on humans from Sufin moved in, now making Kaibul one of the countries with the highest population of Half-koroblin.
Kaibul is where mathematics and astrometry where born. Always wanting to move forward Kaibul holds facts close to its heart, and pushes the majority of faiths away. The modern cities of Kaibul are bulit to put the land they stand on to shame, building lush jungles where there was only sand. seeing what they find fit to make there land what they want. The more tech they have the more change they make to there land.
Demography and Population
36% Half koroblin
34% Koroblin- Koroblins are about a 50/50 divde of TeOi (Herbivore Faced) and Boin (Reptile like) koroblin. Their is the rare other types of koroblins who live here.
20% Human
5% Thera- Most Thera do not live or work here full time, but beacuse they have enough of a inpact on the contry they still get counted in the population.
5% Other- Majoriy of other is Humblins
Young children go to a school where they learn the bassics that all people need to learn to be a member of sociity. But once someone is a teenager its up to them to chose if they are going to contune their schooling and in witch subjects they are going to go into too. Most people do contune to go to school but this openness gives people the chance to think about what they really want.
Foreign Relations
Eydan: Kaibul looks down on Eydan, mosty of its religious views. and as well for its love of 'law' Law that is so focused of ethics and values are seen as a waste then laws that relate to facts and numbers. They also believe that Eydan needs to embrace techogly more.
Sufin: The countries may of had cross overs with their popultions threw out history, but in the two countries cultuers deffer greatly. Overall they get along but at times the culuteral divaid makes tenstion.