
The mountain lands of Teris hides there cities and homes. Teris's cities are build into the moutains, many cities being partly underground. Teris like there neighbor Eydan loves to keep there traditions alive, but many feel that Teris takes its too far. In most of its cities technology is shunned, not by law but culture. The people Teris Manly Vemi(wolf-like) kororblins, have all ways lived side by side with wolves. Many packs of wolfves living with the same koroblin family for life. Two packs acting like one. this tradition has last even in the modern day.
In the greater scope of the world Teris is overlooked, chocked down to "Trible people refusing to join the rest of the modern world." Seen as a country that keeps to its self, and wont share its resources with the rest of the world. Yet beacue of its rocky mountainous landscape even Tapyoka hasnt been able to take control of the people of Teris.
Teris is a heavly wooded country with tall slender moutaints all over the place. It also has some of the world's most famous waterfalls. Witch brave travelers love to see for them selves.
The people of Teris dose not belive in hiearchy, beliving everyone should be on equally ground, those in Teris live side by side with nature. They have their own word for the animals who live with them, witch translate to "Cousin" Teris dose not have a food cultuer that the wider wolrd is intressted in. Sense most of their food is eaten rarw or sun dired. Only cooking things with fire durring holidays. What Teris has a huge culure with is clothes. Fiber artist are deeply loved, They even enjoy jewarly and metal work hobbies. Both Koroblisn and wolf alike are dressed in amazing fabrics and jewals. Keeping movemnet in mind.
Public Action
Teris just wants to left alone, as the rest of the world dose not understand them. When Teris is needed to talk to other world leaders, they vote who will speak to them this time, out of the handfull of people who can speak other more common langueds in the world.
Tho the rest of the world tries their best to get Teris to comform to be more like them. Even those form Teris who traveled and live abord for some time, still come back home perfuring their way of life.
Teris dosent have laws in the normal sense, its not written down or anything but rather just something that the people just know. It's laws are passed down and memorized only threw voice they are not ment to be written down.
Demography and Population
100% koroblin
but if you ask the people of Teris Wolves are a part of there pack and country, so in that view it's
50% koroblin
50% wolves