Forgettable is the first thing someone would say about Astor. It values the simple life, and people there have simple dreams and hopes. Farming is they main Jewel of the people of Astor. The people there work hard to give food and meat to the rest of the U.S.A and often even exports to other countries. Its the unknown impornet backback of the U.S.A
But what the outsiers miss of this country is Adtor's deep story telling culture. Astor has it's own stories and myths that stand out from those around it. Astor's stories tend to follow a structure where they have one or more elements that are there through out the sotry. Such as charaters saying the same thing every story beat but with its driffrent context giving the saying driffrent meanings. Shockingly a lot of Astor folk stories about times long long ago are very historily accurate.
All tho most of Astor is flat farm lands, southern Astor dose have some small moutain ranges. This Moutains are known for being a good place to find fosials of plants and animals from times long passed.
Astor is seen as a place with hard work and long hours spent at doing jobs. But in turth workers care a lot about their work life blance Astor has some of the highest rates of work unions in the union. In the summer with the hot Astor days, work hours are often lower but pay is rasied to make up for less hours and dealing with summer heat. Indoor jobs are still offered as many hours but with a smaller summer rasie to make up for the fact that they cant enjoy their summer days.
It's very common to see Story telling events all year round in Astor. As simple as open mic story telling in Bars and cafes. To more serious compitisions for people of all kinds. From group story tellings that some count as plays, Stories backed with music, to solo story telling. Astor's schools for story telling are popural for writers and profromers of all kinds. it's a open scect in the art comuitiy that Astor is the place to go if you want to improve your story telling. But the majority of the Union dose not think of Astor for it's story telling. Outsiders are often shocked to hear that they'er favorit book writer is from Astor.
People of Astor can vote who gets into goverment office but they can not vote for what laws pass.
Astor comes from a tribe of a mix of Humans and Humblins Witch was quite rare through out hisotry in the lands that the union stands now. This tribe was called "Astor" named after the Humblin who talked to the human clans in order join forces to have more power then working alone. joined togreather the two spcies where able to take care of more and more land.
Demography and Population
Astore is about 50% humblin 50% human
Their is other species that live here but that is the simple overview.