Basten is a large flat tundra, But under its grounds massive icy caves can be found, filled with metals and ores. But what Basten is truly known for is its high population of historians and scholars of all kinds. This is because it's many caves are filled with fossils and strange artifacts. It's seen as the best place to learn what the world used to be. Basten even has its name from the bones of a strange creature that they found in a pit filled with crystals. These bones where put together and the monstrous creature that once lived was seen. The people call it the Basten. Ever sense the the people found it, History became a big part of there country.
Basten's wildlife is seen as dangorus, as many of them seem closser to animals that where alive thoundens of years ago rather then the animals from else where. These animals are mysterious and unpradicable. The cold of the wilderness in Basten also adds to how danguerous it is to travel and explore outside the cities of Basten. Many of the Cities in Basten have tall walls around them to protect from the out elements. This makes Basten look all most medivle and still old fashion.
Basten has many histrocal buildings still standing as they are made of thick stones and are not very tall. Known for its gray blue dark stones, and simple styles. Some of these histrocaical buildings have been left alone, truned into culturel historcal zones, or used in building new buildings. Mixed old and new togreather.
Seasoned breads and breads with all kinds of filling are the most popular type of foods here. From meat filled bread to cholate bread filled with icecream, there is a bread for just about everyone. Many of the more formal foods in Basten are just the same recipies for stuffed bread but with all of the componts separated.
Basten is a elective monarchy, Very driffrent from the other coutnries in the United spcies of american union. It works out for the most part for Basten. The voting for the Monarch starts when the last monarch truns 50 or when they die, what ever comes first.
Basten has a long hisotry of being ruled by monarchys. These Monarchies have all ways had a driffrent sytem from over seas sense Basten was never able to histrolically travel or be able to be inflused by other monarchies. But to the other countries around it Basten is as strange when it comes to how they rule and what there land is like.
Basten's borders has changed a lot over the cenceters of it being a country. with many noteble kings and queens ruleing its lands and taking over places.But when they joined the union they swore that they would not war for expanding borders any more.
Public Agenda
Basten stays out of most confliks but at time gets involed.