
Fisher woman from BenBell

BenBell is the oldest Country in the U.S.A, it's history is long and filled of wars between Buboolios, Humans, And Fyshies. Witch after years and years of fighting, finally came together to make BenBell. Traveling from the northern point of BenBell to it's southern point; you can see its history in its cities and buildings. with the north being old and historic, with the south being filled Modern cities that set world records for tallest buildings.

The island to the south of BenBell is the most populated part of the country, with the biggest City in all of the union. This island hardly has space for any more devoiment. The only nature left on said island are parks dotted around the city. On Main Land BenBell they have focused on keep there old growth forest safe and health. Making BenBell both known for its grand cities and it's Grand forestes.


BenBell has a elvtive monarch where a monarch is voted in for life. And once the Rulers poplarity vote goes under 40% there is a new vote for monarch sooner.


BenBell is a bit of a mixing pot when it comes to Culture. People all over the world has moved into BenBell for many reasons. Some Quallity of life, Other jobs, And some because they wanted too. A lot of BenBell is a mix of it's historic culture, it's current culture, and the cultures of people who move in. There is all ways some new to find here, as people find more and more ways to mix things togreather. Food and fashion here tend to be the most blended togreather. People often forget about where what fashion trend came from, or what country did a food come from. It's easy to shock a Bellish person by simplely just telling them where the dish they are eating orienated.

Public Action

BenBell wants to make sure the people who live there have comforibal lives. But they dont have goals more then just a comforbil life for those who live here.

Demography and Population

[BenBell have a all most evan spilt of Buboolios, Humans, And Fyshies. With Humans being the slight majority in the country.


BenBell dose not have a offical Religion and welcomes people of all kinds.

Foreign Relations

Most countires treat The BenBell goverment like it is the old man past it's time. And dose not care much for what BenBell says about most topics. The only thing where that isnt the case is when BenBell have somthing to say about city desgin or Keep wilderness areas hleathy and safe. BenBell wishes that it's peer countries in the union would Listen more to what it has to say.


BenBell have many laws about how to build a citiy and what types of buildings are allowed where, With the goal of keeping cities walkable no matter the size of the city.