
Chair is the most northeastern country in the U.S.A, That is best known for is long icy winters. Chair dose not have a summer rather a mid year spring. Amazing sea food that will fill and warm any one. It's shore lines are dotted with Grand Light houses that shine on the rocky shores. The people of Chari are known for being as cold and gloomy as there country is.
The animals that live in Chair are built for the winter, many hibernate when it starts to get warm. In witch they are alone awake for a few months a year. Making the contraviral huntting pratice, of killing hibernated animals a thing. One thing that steparates Chari from the other countries on the east coast of the union, is that Chair is qutie well known for there Millatary. They have qutie the well known land army and Navy.
Chari is a country in the United Species Of America, a union of north America countries that agree on common goals, but each country inside the union (For the most part) has full control on how they run. In Chair June-August is when each mayor of each city meet up to vote on new laws, and figure out the next year's budget. These Mayors are voted in by the people who live in said city.
Chari has a huge culture of adventure and thrill seeking, From sailing the icy seas to climbing frozen mountains. But there is just as big subsect of people who loves coziness, and inviting warmth into there homes. Many famous horror writers are from Chari, some belive that they are so great at horror because all the cold weather keeps their hearts dull.
One of the bigger cultures in Chair is Mall Culture. Beacuse Chari is home to the first indoor shoping center AkA malls. Malls tend to be more then just placas to shop but also have many entertament complexes with in the shoping center. From movie theatres, Game centers, Even musiems or small zoos!
Chari manily trades Sea food, Wood, Granite, and ice. As well as a Army and Navy
Chari was once a part of Kanada but in the 1700's there was a revolution. They stood on there own for 76 years before joining the union of the U.S.A
Demography and Population
30% Human
30% Buboolio
20% Koroblin
10% half-Koroblin
10% Humblin
Chair had a well stocked land army and Navy, knonw for being really well at dealing with diffical weather, and hard to travel lands. The Miltary had a very formal cullture and imange.]
Many laws in chari many are to restric fire magic, as they belive that too much fire will change the natral weather too much. And Chari is not built for hot weather.
Foreign Relations
Chari is often forgoton by most untill the summer time, where it's cool summers bring many tourist to the country.