
Deseret has the most one of a kind landspace of all of the U.S.A. From deep canyons, Sand dunes, year round icy mountains, thick forest, to swamps. People say you can find any type of environment in it. And thats not all Deseret has tons of wild magic in its South east canyons. That area has remade fairly uninhabited. there are a few small towns that only survive on the tourism that goes to explore its strange lands.
The southern half of Deseret is a hot bed for Mana. Knowing for being so full of magic that with out a spell being casted a Koroblin would feel overwlemed by the smell of oranges. Many Belive that the deep cayons of the country is what let the air become filled with Mana. It's great if your a spell caster but danguerus things often happen beacuse of this extra mana. If your not a skilled caster it's not uncommon for unentend effects to happen. These effects often feel random.
Deseret is controlled by there church "The Truth Of Life".
Deseret is known for having a strange culture that isnt the most welcoming to new comers. The people of Deseret Follow a religion "The Truth Of Life" or T.O.F for short. worships Cuerso and Sangre (Known as the Mountain God to them) A religion that believes in casting magic as worship, and sacrifice as prayer. Whether that Sacrifice is of your time or Fleash is up to person to person. Those who dont follow there religion are seen as outsiders. Over the years the T.O.F have been wanting to clean their imange from there history of more bloody practices. Trying for years to make outsiders more keen on their religon. But people are easy to forgive high amounts of murder.
Neighborhood meals are very common and happen about once or twice a week. Each household brings a dish or two; in order to share with everyone. People either grather at one house or a park depending on the season.
The Foods from Desseret are seen as strange and gross by outsiders. Combinding unuseal textures togreathers, is very common. It's also common to see foods in Desseret to have very driffrent names then they would have else where.
Public Action
Deseret likes being a part of the U.S.A But also like to keeps to its self as much as it cans. it rarely helps other countries. Strangely tho they do advertise their business schools as being the best adn more trustworthy in the union.
Deseret trades Magic, Magical goods, Natural resources
Deseret is on land that has been living in for at least 10,000 years witch had all ways been filled with Humblins. With a deep and long history. Many of the pass civilizations being long forgotton about or narly writen about. Unfairly tho, non-humblin's started to move on there land with out asking. Leading to decades of conlfect. Lucky it ended well for the Humblin's, as When the Country of Dessert was founded they made laws and regultions that treated both Humblins and non-humblins fairly. Humblins are still the majority of who lives in this area. Tho they have changed a lot from they way they where pre conlfect.
Demography and Population
40% Humblin
20% Human
15% Half Koroblin
13% Koroblin
12% Thera
Foreign Relations
In the open Deseret dosent not care much about other countries and stays out of the way. On the inside tho, people behind closed doors have a genral distaste for outsiders and other countries.
Deseret have strict laws about alcoholand durgs, as well has adult products. Making them hard to come by and heavly taxed.
They do have laws about marage, to this day humblins can not marry non-humblins. And if a humblin is seen dating a non-humblin the pair can be jailed. In the pass they have strirt laws about Humans and Koroblin's getting married to eachother, as well as penallities for having mixed kids, tho these days those laws are gone.