Lakenth has many tales about Strange scary monsters that ruled the life giving lakes. Scaring the humans and humblins away from the lakes and to the rivers. but one day a a brave humbin found the truth of the scary monsters, The truth was that it was not a monster but a mages who where fyshies! it was the first time these Humblin and Humans learned about fyshies. It took awhile but the fyshies, Humans and Humblins where able forge a friendship and share water.
In the modern day Lakenth is best known for professional Sports, and being a good vacation spot. It's seen as a place to have a good time, or get a professional sports job. It's many lakes and strong rivers also make a good place to farm, and find lashive caves. Adventure is all ways seen to be outside of your house, making more study filled jobs unpopular. It's Grade Lake Ranoth in the south of Lakenth is the most protected body of water in Laknth, as its the most used and beloved. All tho Lakenth shares a border with Kanada and There Huge lake, The people of Lakenth are not allowed there with out a passport.
Unlike the rest of the Union in Lakenth, The only governmental possion is being the president of Lakenth
In Lakenth the staple food is Cattails, Just about every part of the plant is eaten. Cattail flour is the most poplar and stander thing. Cattail flat bread with grilled meats is one of the most common meals. Grillng parts of the plants are a big summer acttiveity. What makes the Cattail so poplare is that every speacies in Lakenth can eat the Catttails safely. Even tho Lakenth has so many rivers and lakes, Fish is not a common to eat food. Mostly becuse fyshies find it distasteful and a bit mean.
Durring the summer Swimwear becomes daily wear for a majority of the citiczines. Swimwear fashion can be quite over the top and layered. Wide brim hats are also very common for people to wear. Winter fashion here tends to follow the same trends as other near by countries.
Demography and Population
Lakenth has a equale mix of Fyshie, Humans, and humblins.Durring the summer time they are a high mix of other spcies who live here becuse of summer houses.
Lakenth for most of it's history Lakenth was small clans of people untill the Fyshies joined in the clans. Unlike most of the world when these Fyshie's joined in with land socitiy. They really wanted a part of it, Many of the most famous leaders of Lakenth have been Fyshies. Fyshies have long been the most common spcies to be the leader of Lakenth.
Foreign Relations
Lakenth welcomes others from other countries to vist and spend money, by making them pay less taxes.