Lexin was the last country to join the U.S.A. Wanting to stand on there own as long as possible. Lexin Is best known for its farming culture and peaceful nature. Only joining the U.S.A once it was clear there was only going to be benefits for them to do so. Many people see Lexin as just a place to drive threw, never the end goal of where your going. It's too much of a simple place to vist, too simple to want to move to.
Lexin is a manily flat country, with few forest who are maily mantated for forestery. The most comomn view in lexin is farms growing driffrent types of grains. FIshing is another common job in Lexin; sea food being the main protein of the country. It's coastline mainily have rocky shorelines that dose not atract many vistores.
Creamy seafood soups are the most common and loved food in Lexin, just as much as bread as many people who make bread that are ment to compalint speffeic soups. Soup bread bolws are the most popluar meal around in Lexin. Tourist who due some how chose to go to Lexin go just for the soup bread bolws. The most poplar dessert in Lexin is candy, people try there best to make over the top hard candies, and cholate bars with many topings and fillings. Each candy shop tries to have their own singred candy for people to go vist and get.
Most people in Lexin wear pratical clothes built to be worked in. Most in Lexin are the not the fashionable. But those with less phyically jobs try there best to look a little bit more on trend. The few who do vist Lexin are also fan of the much higher quallity boots and work clothes that can be found here.
Public Action
Lexin really wants Pentond to say sorry for what they have done in the past and give back some of there land. They also want to grab more attction for tourist to get more visters to learn about their great country.
Lexinhas many grain farms. Fishersies, and Fishing boats.
Lexin has a history of waring with Pentond, as it has lot much of it's land to the ex-Briland people. Who murrded the pepople of Lexin with out much tought or care of those who lived there. But lexin held strong and all tho a lot smaller then before, they are still proud of who they are.
Demography and Population
Much like other places in the union, Lexin has a mix of Humblins and Humans who live there.
Foreign Relations
To this day Lexin has a bad relationship with the near by country Pentond who in the past had murder and stole there land. Pentond really lieks to pretend that this past did not happen. Other coutnries in the union dose not pay much mind to Lexin.