
LondFoRo girls hanging out

LondFoRo was founded Long, Long ago, because of this its origin is woven into myth, and its unknown what truly is the history of LondFoRo. But what ever how LondFoRo Started it's still standing. Now LondFoRo is best known for nice Schools, Good physicals labor jobs, and its famous Korobotic Labs. Life there is slow pasted people take there time.

The west side of LondFoRo has extreamly heavy rain, it's filled with temprate rainforest with mossy stones where ever you go. While due to the moutain range the east side is very dry and pratically a dessert.


People here believe that taking your time makes things end up better. life is slow and people are not rushed. Work days are short and people are encouraged work on their own personal projects at home. The downside is that kids go threw much more school then in other contouries. Going to Public school from ages 6-20 before they can go to collage and such.

The food of LondFoRo tends to be seafood or fresh water food cooked with heavy amounts of butter and slat, in a big pot all togreather. These pots of sea food are ment to be eaten by hand and with a big group of people. The non seafood meals in LondFoRo are heavy in meat and cooking in nearly the same way there seafood is. in a pot with butter and slat, with plants from around where that animal came from. Rich LondFoRoBlin go out of there way to order animal meats plants from other countries to make over the top themed meals for praties.


The myth of LondFoRo says that one day long ago When plants and animals could all speak to Humans, a strange ship crashed on to shore. a Ship that was made of strange metals, metals that where never seen again. The people of that ship climbed out hurt and bleeding a deep black, Darker then the night sky. The Humans of LondFoRo took care of these strange people, using there magic to heal them. The strange people of the shipped seemed shocked to see magic, they acted as if there never seen it before. It took many years for the people of the Ship to earn to speak like the humans of LondFoRo, But when they did they told them about where they came from.

They called them selfs Koroblins, and said they came from a island. They drew what is island looked life, and to this day no one has been able to find this island. And these Koroblin look much driffrent then many common types of Koroblins from asia, a subtype that cannot be found anywhere else these days. After the Humans and Koroblins here learned to speak they made a kingdom, bounding together and becoming one people. And for many many hundreds of years LondFoRo was the first and only times Koroblins could be found in the Americas. Having so much time with humans these koroblins are very different then the once of else where, from the way the speak, to the way they look. It's said that even a Koroblin with a head of a wolf will still look more human, then a human like koroblin from Aisa.

Demography and Population

46% Human

34% Koroblin

20% Half Koroblin