
Nestled in a hot sandy dessert with mountains at its borders Netch Is a Country only known for one thing. It's Capital city 'RiverSide'. Filled to the brim with entertainment and enchanting views. But the rest of Netch is very different from the loud and bright capital. The rest of its land is filled with unused nature, and small towns. Most people who live in Netch Hate what the Capital has become, seeing it as garish and sinful. As most of Netch's population are highly religious.
Netch's land is known for its big rolling desert, with red orange sands. And famous bright red sandstone cayons. On the east side of Netch in more mountain and have some dry forest. As much as the people of Netch love the deserts they live in; They also have pride in there abillity in chaining its own landscapes. From making sandy hills into grassy packs, to forcing farms where no domesticated plant where ment to be.
Netch has a quite vibe compared to other countries around it. Daily life here is focused on work and religion, But when it's the time for festivities they are more about how long the party goes rather then how loud it is.
Fashion and clothes in Netch are a lot less modess then there homeland of Sens. As timedesert goes by more and more immodest fashion become more common. The people of the capital RiverSide dress just like everyone else in the U.S.A Union. And that leads to even more hate of those who live in the capital and those who live in the rual towns.
Netch food is known for its spicy favlor and "Remixes" Of Humblin food, where they add more meat to Humnlin foods. They are also infamous for desserts that are extreamly over the top and not health in any use of that word. a sample dessert is a cake topped with chocolate dounuts, covered in jello filled with candy severed with icecream. And that is one of the more simple desserts. Many people on the internet who make Netch dishes are often called out of making food that is ment to put people into a rage for views.
Public Action
Netch seems spilt in half to those on the outside. Those who live in Netch want to make it clear that the capital is a outlier to it's culuter.
Netch is known for Sheep hearing, wheet and corn farms, and entertainment districts.
Netch was colonized by a group people of Sens where forced to leave home during a war. The Area that is now Netch was "Farily" Empty, but forcing themselfves on to the locals no matter how "Empty" it may seen was not a great thing to do. Many who where native to the Netch Area left to Deseret. As much as Deseret isnt a fan of outsiders they do have a heart for native and indigenous people. These days Netch and Deseret have a rival relationship.
Early years in Netch had a huge hatred for thoses outside of it. Being distrustful of the outside world, and maybe feeling a little guilty for the deeds they have done. They had became adressive and rude to outsiders. Most of Netch at this time was very much treated like a no man's land, land outside of towns where all most free game.
Netch has a law where all citizens must cover all of their skin but face, unless doing a performance