New Chay
![Country Image](NewChayFlag.png)
New Chay Split off of Chay, They Wanted to gain the benefits of being a part of the U.S.A but they didnt want to fully forget there full rip them self's from Chay. So they Kept the name and just put New in front. New Chay bring the best part of Chay and puts it into the modern world. There known for hospitality and people with high charisma. But just as well there known for being able to handle making magical inventions. If you want to mass make magical objects New Chay is your place. Tho they are known for changing your plans just a litte bit to make it easier to make on mass. But it really is one of the only places to make magic objects on mass.
Most of New Chay is a desert with little rain fall. Tho West and central south New chay are a little green and forested. New chay is also known for mixed sized neighborhoods with homes and stores built for creatures of all sizes. Sense the Karahum who live here are so many more times beigger then the Humblins that live there. It makes in really intressting for tourist as size and scale change every wtich way you look.
Clothes in New Chay are very detailed, as most speacies in New Chay dont wear clothes for modesty or protection from the elements. (Having fur helps a lot with that) Clothes are very detailed and woren more for decore and style then pratical reasons. Bright colorful shawls, Robes, Flowings dresses. are some of the most common clothes in New Chay. It isnt easy to transfure this clothing style to humans or koroblins sense they need to wear more clothes for pratical reasons. So Humans and Koroblins from New Chay tend to just add acseseries of New Chayn clothes to what they normally wear.
Art in New chay tend to be drawings of people or buildings done with pencil drawings. lithography is also one of the most popluar arts in New Chay being easy to share.
Public Action
New chay wants to make other countries think of them first rather then Origanal Chay. They do have a bit of tension with the orinal country they where a part of.
New Chay as many heards of farm animals that can live happily in the desert.
Demography and Population
New chay is mostly populated with Humblins and Karahum.
with a handfull of other species.
Foreign Relations
New Chay gets along pretty well with most other countries in the union.