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Ochak is built on two things, Food and Following the god KoroKoro. The mind and soul need to be feed as much as your body. Being a country that has a history of following KoroKoro before humans even meet Koroblins they have there own traditions and ways of worshiping KoroKoro. KoroKoro being a god that favors Korobins more then any red blooded creature. There focus of worship was different then other red blooded religions. Learning spells gifted by your god wasnt seen as being close to your god. Rather learn knowalge and being smart as a sign that you are close to your god. Food is also used as a way of worship.

To outsiders now Ochak is seen as a place to just to pass threw. Being seen a dull place to be. Ochak's city's are quite, and calm. you wont find a bar or a night club there. But if your a NERD theirs plenty of places to keep you entertain...But theires still better nerdy places to go in other countries. Because of that people with bigger dreams from Ochak often move out to seek better places.

The most common job in Ochak is crop farming, esphliaishy north Ochak witch is maily feilds and feilds of farms as you travel across it. Southern Ochak have some small forests. These forests tend to be thin and spread a part. Ochak is also bordered by 3 rivers, and is the countries main sorce of water.


Ochack cares highly about self refection; with a core belife that understanding your self will help you understand other people. Schools spend a lot of time eaching kids how to deal with there feelings and how to talk to others about them. As people get older they learn about how to help others with there feelings. Learning how the brain works and how emotions work is a big part to Ochack relgouion and culture.

Tea is a very impornat drink in Ochack. Tea shops that sell teas mixed with fruit jucies, milks, honeys, and even cheeses. Severed hot or cold, and some folks even like tea severed luce warm. Tea In Ocack is dried tea leafs and dried herbs. Tea shops often sell small savery foods, like meat sandwitches. Each shop have their own signatrue meal they sever with there tea.

Demography and Population

Ochak have a mix of Humblins and Humans with a majority of Humans.


The Majoriy people worship KoroKoro in the Church called "Inyorge" But there are other KoroKoro Churches that can be found here. As well as they'er is one church of "Planer Equilibrium" A minnor religion in the world.