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Utote is a Country that has a high elevation, witch isnt uncommon in the U.S.A. But what is, is the plants here grow much taller then any where else. If a plant would grow 3 feet tall normally, in Utote it would grow to 6 feet tall! Most plants grow excitally twice as tall then they normally will. You would think that this strange growth would happen to the animals too, but it dosent. And you would think that gorwing crops would be a big deal here, but its not. As the plants here also taste twice as bitter then they normally would.

Utote is most known for hiking,timber/lumber and its high populations of Karahum and Humblins. With the sizes of the plants here just about every type of spcieases and person here look small. All most making it feel like everyone is in hte same playing ground, more equall.

Utote has a temprate and cool cliiment. With how big many of its plants and trees being so extreamly tall, Utote is a very shady place. Keeping the tempture low all year round. Utote is also a farily hilly place as years and years of huge trees. The stone in Utote is a deep black granet, that is quite fashionable.


Currnetly most of the food in Utote in imported in as not many like the bitter taste of plants that grow here. But even with the high levels of imported foods some peopel still graden there own food in Utote. But you wouldnt see big farms or companies growing here. To compate the bitter foods, many plant based dishes are fired with fatty oils; And severed with cheese. Other people use imported furits and sugar to sweeten the plants even more. By far most common Utote dishes are mostly meat heavy, with plants used more as falvor add bitter tones to food. Some people in Utote do enjoy better tasting foods and can haddle it better then most.

Folk music in Utote are structured in away for easy of switching out chorurs to fit best with the group your sinning too. No two singings sing the same song the same, adding their own failrs as they seem fit. Most Folk music bands have one singger, some times sinngers let the audience sing the chorurs. For hollidays and other celebrations people all sing together, with bands being bigger then nomraly creatureing great loud sounds. Utote dances tend to group dances that can have any number of people dacning togreather.