
VarDar is seen as what would happen if the goodness from Vernay or RuneWay turned rotten. VarDar is seen as a dull place to be, It's lands seeming to all ways be cloudy. And the people their take the Strict religious views of Vernay or RuneWay and taking it to another level. Making it extremely hard for people outside of the Hemblin Faith to live in VarDar. But if you Agree with their church and can deal with the little wiggle room, its not the worst place to be. VarDar believe that people should be able to stand on there own as much as they can stand with a group. Believing in one person's hard work helps the whole, making overworking common.
South VarDar is rocky and moutainos, with cold winds and heavy rains. While the more north you go the more flat and cold the land gets. went and cold marshes and swamps are dotted around the land. Morning fog is common across VarDar. Many belive that VarDar is a hunted a horrorfieing place with the world's only evil Necromancers. But in turth VarDar has many more complex magic laws then other Hemblinic countries. Making Most necromancy spells not alowed. Making those who still practiced Necromancy seen as bad actors.
VarDar dose not give it's citzines freedom of expresstion. With laws about what pepople are allowed to dress like outside of the home. Youth espsially hate these laws, trying their best to beat the line of what is and is not allowed. Getting a ticket, Being forced to wear a cover, or being forced back home; Isnt uncommon for people to get in more truble with the law if they keep dressing "Inaporpaily"
Plays are the most poplar type of art in VarDar. As the stage gives people the most freedom of expresstion.
Public Action
VarDar wants to look like the most posh and high quallity country in the union. Tho most people view VarDar as a sad, dull, and poor country.
VarDar porduces many complex spell compones that are needed for higher level spells.
VarDar was founded by refuges of Sens, Runeway and Vernay durring the Bloodwars. The oringal Residents of VarDar, a country called Daryun was not in a good state it's self. Welcomed the Refuges as a way to get more low pay wokeres. But decades later the children of refuages from times pasted where not content with being tossed away. Others not happy wiht Daryun's old rule also joined forces and they had a revultion. And then VarDar was founded, Changing the land into a demcory after years of being a monarcy.
Demography and Population
The majority of VarDar is Half-Koroblin, then Human, and then Koroblin.
Foreign Relations
All though VarDar is a part of the union, Most other countries in the union have some type of distaste for the coutry. Some countries have proposed taking VarDar out of the union, but this is viewed as unpoplar as much as many dont love VarDar.