![Country Image](WanghamoFlag.png)
Wanghoamo is a harsh place to live, It's rocky, cold, and hardly rains. But what makes up for this the mountains filled with worth wild ores. Most people here work in the mining field in some kind of way. The mountains are respecting and seen as what feeds there way of life. It's Food is mostly made from Mushroom and animals that live underground is extremely common.
Most people see Wanghamo as a place to only work with, not to visit. The fun people of Wanghamo have doesn't appeal to most people from else where. A lot of there entertament is seen as messy and dirty. They quite like playing in the mud. And these messy habbits go into a lot of aspects of daily life. Being messy is seen as being relaxed and independent. But as people get older they dont play in the mud as they would in their younder years making the saying "Your young, your still playing in the mud" Witch means that when your young your more free to explore the world and try new things when your young.
Their songs are long winding, and many call there art "Childish" and overly simple and messy. But they dont see the mastery a lot of these simple drawing and paintings take. From mastering "simple" paint storckes, to getting a deep understanding of color theory. Wanghamo's art is hander to master then most people know.
In Wanghamo, the idea of mastery and perfection are not tied togreather. Being a master dosent mean your percect, and a pefectly made object is dose not mean your a master. Going past the idea of needing to be perfect is what they would say being a master is.
Most of the food in Wanghamo are cave based. Moles, Rats, Mushroms, Strange underground animals, and even bats. Tho some people dont enojoy the flavors of underground creatures and stick more U.S.A common meats. Dishes tend to be baked with light seasonings. Just about every meal is severed with some kind of bread on the side. In the summer the poular party food are girlled meats with dipps to share are dip bread with. Sweets in Wandhamo tend to be sever along side with the main meal so you can refresh your pallet as you eat. Severing Soda hot is also the main way soft drinks are severed.
The Wanghamo area used to be two tribes The moutain Tribe called the Hamotha and the Wangcol, Plains Tribe. The Hamotha where mainly a human tribe who focused on mining and living on the moutain. While the Wangcol Where manily a Humblin tribe who focused on framing, frishing, and living on the plains. In the late 1,100's Both Tribes where forced to come togreather when people from the north waged war on the both of them. Becoming a larguer group they where able to fend off their eminies. They countied to stay as one tribe in order to stay sronger. There are many sub clans in Wanghamo who have very driffrent culuters.
Demography and Population
48% Human
16% Humblin
15% Half-Koroblin
11% Koroblin
5% Karahum
5% Other
Foreign Relations
Many countries look down on Wanghamo for being messy, and unclassy. But Wanghamo has not take it to heart, and keeps their culture alive. tho some people say they are way too stuck in their ways.