Yorlin has a high population of koroblins and humblins. Being able to live together in peace. Yorlin is known for scientific research, they have masive archives and labs. They want to keep as much knowalge around hopeign that in the pass they'll find out how to make a better tomorrow.
It's land is also known for the massive lake (Lake Raindull) Making one side of Yorlin wet and moist and the other dry and windy. The West side is seen a lovely place to live, and very popular for rich people to have there summer homes there. While the east side of Lake Raindull is dry, so dry that it makes it a place great for cernet types of scientific research.
All tho there is many scientific minded people in Yorlin there is equally as many people who are Socallily minded. Making Yorlin a place where Socal life and science work hand in hand in their culture.
Many forms of techo music started in Yorlin. With the first type of Techo music started as people playing around with an oscilloscope. Combing visual lights and a music is a big tradtion. Lately using lights and animtions, having virutral singers profroming using holigrams is all the craze right now. Marval Maral is the most famous of these virutal singgers. She is a mythical creature, a Half human half Humlbin. Who wears fairly themed outfits that change for every song. She most popluarl with teens and midel age men.
It is really expected for everyone in Yorlin go to collage or univercity. Beacuse of this Yorlin has a lot of opratunites to let people go to school for less or no paid tuision. Coallges are highly comptive and where you went to school highly matters. People here can be very jugemental about where you went to school. Schooling is so comptive that people often pay lots of money to send their young children to fancy pre-schools. Kids spend a lot of time studying and working hard. Free time is not easy to come by to people in school. This has made a lot of highly educated people But it has also made a high amount of burnt out peopel. Who grows to hate the education sytem of the country; Those people who are sick of teh sytem have tried to make their own forms of school that are a lot more loose. Often just letting kids go outside and explore the world themself and ask questions as they want.
Yorlin used to be a part of LondFoRo before the two coutries spilt over a war of lawful rights. Manly etheics of scientific research. Funnily in the end both LondFoRo and Yorlin would join the U.S.A Union.