
Usan has all ways found its self in wars, from Duyong and IemCa trying to take its land. to Duyong and IemCa fighting eachother using Usan's land. but in the modern era Usan has became a more safe place to be. Modern Usan isnt well know for any one thing, Duyong is known to spread fake news about life in Usan to keep its citizens from moving there.
Usan is a Fairly Rural country, with miles of farmland and even more miles of wilderness. Known for thick humidaid jungels, Tall moutains, Hilly Grasslands and Humaid tempraid pine forest in northen Usan.
Usan has a handful of Big cities but is more known for small villages. Usan is a raveritly poor country, it's very common for people to strugle here. Health care is the biggest hardship most people have, has the few universities in Usan are very expensive. Making doctors hard to come by. Scams around medicine are very common.
Due to trade restrictions Iemca, and Luang are the only countries allowed to trade with Usan. Making Usan behind in techogloy and media. But out of this sitution Usan has it's own Music, Movie and art untouched by the rest of the world.
Usan is a Elective monarchy, and how this works in Usan is that people in towns can vote for there local city government. City governments vote for who amongst them will be a part of the monarchy. Any one of any gender can run for local goverment. The head leadership roles of Usan is divided in 4. Each serve for life, once they die the government votes in the next one. The Rolls are
ShaBy: In charge of passing laws proposed by local goverments.
CanSha: In Charge of holding up the law, and making sure judges do there job.
ManShaYo: In Charge of foreign policy.
ShaJin: In Charge of national security
Public Action
Usan is over all looked over by the rest of the world, not many countries are willing to to help Usan. Because of this Usan has to stand on its own leading to its own issues. The Goverment move into action slowly making change slow, and people restless.
Usan and Iemcaused to be a country called YeLeDew witch was slipt into two durring a war Duyongand Kayamain 1094 CE With Duyong taking control of Usan. until 1113 CE When Usan had a Revolution and was able to get free from Duyong's control.
Sense then many smaller wars have ranged in the area untill the late 1980's, party Iemca trying to put Usan back in it's borders, party of Duyong wanting to regain control.
Currently Usan is banned from traded with most other countires as Duyong views trading with Usan as a Theart, and people are not willing to cross Duyong's Boundress.
Demography and Population
100% Koroblin
80% are Dew(Feline like) Koroblins
10% are Gan (Dragon) Koroblins
9% are Human like Koroblins
1% are Boin (Reptile like) Koroblins
Non-Koroblins have not been able to get citizenship in Usan.
Usan's Miltary is small and not well armed, beacuse of trade sanctions weapons are not easy to come by. As well as the fact that Usan's Miltary bugget is extreamly small.
Foreign Relations
Beacuse of Usan's relations to the countries around it the rest of the world leave Usan alone; for free of trade sanctions from DuYoung.
Women are given free university while men are expected to stop going to school at 18, and must pay for higher education.
There are Three types of school's In Usan, FoRoy (Ages 5-12) FoRoHe (Ages 13-18) And FoRoo (University)
Usan FoRoys teach basic skills and knowlage to all. While in FoRoHe's The genders get divided through out the day, Boys speend most of the school day in home economics classes. Cooking, Sewing, Child care, ect. While girls spend most of their time continuing there eduction. Becuse of this it makes it even harder for boy/men to get into universtiies.
They belive in the four tigers, while the Tigers are seen as being different then the gods of koroblin world, many have studied them and learned that there powers do come from the Gods... but they them selves are not the Gods. those seeking wisdom from any of the Four Tigers Use a FeRo (a ceremonial knife) to sacrifice there blood (or others) to Tigers.
ShaRoBy (Mother of the North) Tiger of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Dreams. By is seen as the mother of Koroblins, and the one who wants to guide them away from being the crazed hunters that there in nature. Mind over body is her main philosophy.
CanKin (Man of the East) Tiger of Kindness, Love, and Beauty. Seen as the Tiger who made the divide of female and male koroblins. Giving men the kindness and softness that koroblin women seem to lack. Cankin Teaches to use kindness as a way to peace.
Maaan (One of the South) Tiger of Death and Magic. Seen as the tiger who is a trickster, and a traitor. Maan gave up there black blood for red, driving them crazy. Maaan is the least loved Tiger, but still seen as holy. As Maaan is believed to be able to turn a half koroblin into a full koroblin, by stealing all the red blood in them. The philosophy of Maaan is 'Better to know what endangers your life, then to hide from it and let it take you"
YenJin ( They of the wind) Tiger of Soul, Power, and war. Seen as the one who gave each koroblin there soul, A soul that craves bloodshed. Not seen as a force of good or bad, but of nature. A tiger that is seen as hard to stop. When people get into fits of rage they say things like " Looks like you let YenJin have to much infuce on you." There philosophy is one of balancing your nature with what you know is right and wrong.