
Ethnicity Image

For hundreds of years The Brish people of Briland has used there island to the breaking point. One must travel very north and hours away from the closest town, to find the very small untouched nature. Else where in Briland cities are tightly packed There is hardly any separation from factories and homes on the lower class. Those lucky enough to be Middle class can at least see a lack of factory smoke stacks in their town, Tho the rare and few upper class non-noble people have small yards, trees, and grass. Maybe even a glimse of blue sky. Only the Noble families of Briland are well off enough to have personal gradens, yarns, forest, on there own land. Of course those with not noble blood can't enojoy these yarns.

Modern Clothing

One can easily see who is noble and who is a common's person by just looking at them.

Those who work in factories spend most of their day in factory safety clothing, while offce workers are stuck in plain simple office clothes. Uniforms are the most common thing to see in the day time. But at night, when people's free time finally truely starts. Numberess sub cultuers are able to shine. People of all kids where clothes that show who they really are. Many of these outfits uses old parts of work uniforms into more cusual outfits. Some who love the Briland nobles more then most, trun there old work oufits into more fomral clothes mimic the styles of the nobles the best they can.

Gender Ideals

The rich and noble have more harsh views of what driffrent gender's should be doing, while the noble expect both men and women to have the same tempterment they expect them to spend there time in very driffrent ways. Beliving its a higher class metallty to keep the genders seprate.

The moajority of people dont have such harsh ideas on genders. As long as your able to get work done it dosent matter how you feel about your own gender. Tho those who are noble try to force there gender views on the lower classes.

Beauty Ideals

Looking like you dont work in a factory is the cultural ideal of beautiey, Long lightly colored hair that would normally be caught in machines and gears, Little to no muscles. Are the core parts of their beauty ideals.

Tho subcultuers within Briland have very driffrent ideas of beauty.


Noble Courship has a lot of rules and expations, Courting takes years and lots of money.

While the moajority of people are a lot more cusal when it comes to love.

Art & Architecture

A lot of morden Brish art steals parts of art from coutnies that Briland once controled. But true tradional Brish art is manily stone cavering Metal works, and complext fabirc weaving. These arts are hard to come by these days as most art made for the public are for ads.

Funerary customs

Old Tradional Brish explaned simplely the body would be burried warped in there blankets, about 3-5 feet deep in the ground, with a simple stone simply cavered with the name of the person.

Old Tradional Brish explaned simplely the body would be burried warped in there blankets, about 3-5 feet deep in the ground, with a simple stone simply cavered with the name of the person.