The Elder God
God of Gods, Not even other gods dare say her true name. She is the literally mother of most of the gods of this solar system.
Once did the jobs of all the gods but depending on the timeline, people either lost faith in her or Elder is the head of the gods. No matter the timline tho Elder god is the one who made the world it's self, and "Programed" The world's nartural laws. With out her physics would not work the way they do. With out her magic would not work the way it should. In the timelines where she is missing or dead, another gods must take control of basic world processes or the mortal plane starts to break down.
Divine Domains
The Elder God has Domain over all things in this universe. Unlike most gods the elder god can separate into 'spirts'. Spirts that hold the power of just one domain. like the spirt of friendship, who holds all the understanding of the friendship domain the elder has when fully together.
It is said that in order to make another god, you need to kill and then embody a spirt of Elder, making her losing power over that domain entirely. And after that all it takes is getting mortals to believe/worship them. Letting a new god to gain even more power then the Elder gods.
It's not uncommon for the other Gods in the word to try to make the elder god weaker by 'taking out' the spirts they dont like.
Divine Symbols
Elder had many symbols to the point where there is a whole magic system based off her symbols. These symbols can control the laws of the world just a little bit, making spells that are nomraly hard to cast by a mortal just a little easier then normal.
Tenets of Faith
Elder simple whats people to show that they know she's incharge. She could care less about how evil or good a follower of her is. But She dose favor those who are lawful, A origazined mind is closer to how she her self thinks.
Elder god was born in another place, far from the understanding from the mortal.
But when she came into her this solar sytem she made the sun, the planets, the earth, And the other gods who control the planet. But unlike most who creates, Elder gets bored. And when she dose she distroies and makes again. Her favorit place to change is Earth, the mortal plane. Enjoying seeing what happens with so many living things she enjoys making them start over again and again. Changing the creature who live there.
At this currnet page that the earth is at she has promissed to not page over the world untill the favored living creature of Her son Hemblin dies. The first time that Elder god had given up any of her freedom for the joy of another.
Symbol Magic System
Sense Elder God made the universe, one can use her symbols to cast magic. It's like changing some of the code of the universe for a temporary time. Some religions heavily use Elder's symbols.