
Holy symbol

KoroKoro is often seen and framed as a God who favors Koroblins more then anyone other creature. But truely KoroKoro gives her services to everyone. It just happens to be that Koroblins historically have followed KoroKoro while humans have not.

KoroKoro's job as a God is to keep and gain knowledge. Beacuse of her love of the mind, KoroKoro made the dream Plane, in order to gift people with dreams. KoroKoro uses dreams as a way to give people's mind a break from daily life, new found hope and goals, As well as giving people new ideas or insights.

Divine Domains

Mind, dreams, metal heath, emotions, femininity, Knowledge.

Divine Symbols

Gold and Clouds

Holy Books

Animo: Animo is a KoroKoro religion mostly found in northen asia. It is focused manly on the mind. Animo Holy books are focused on study tactics, learning the best way to speak to other people, and how to use your mind to get your way. Animo prayer is offten done by writing down your feeligs and what you did that day, and mediating about what you could of done better.

RoYunFo: RoYunFo is mainly found in east asia. RoYunFo is manliy focused on dreams, and the blessings that can come from the dream plane. Their holy books tend to be gudies of driffrent types of meditation, as well as info about the dream plane. They pray by going to temples or shrines to meditate, or meditating before bed. Some Sects of RoYunFo lucid dream in order to pray in the dream plane for the best results and guidance.

LemAyn: LemAyn is manily found in west asia. Focused on blacning Knowlage and inner peace. LemAyn holy books are full of stories and life lessons about people of the past and how they over came problems. LemAyn also focuses on limiting actions that your allowed to do, like foods you cant eat, what days you can do what, as well as times where you must fast. Praying in the LemAyn way takes about 30 minutes in order to do it right, as deep meditation in needed.

Tenets of Faith

In general the tenets to follow KoroKoro are

Practice Mindfullness.

Ensure that you are all ways learning and growing.

Do not destroy knowalge, keep it safe.

Best to be willing to share knowalge then to let others stay dim.

Knowalge takes take, practice being patient.


KoroKoro Is unlike most of the gods around her age. Durring her mortal life a time before Humans and Koroblins walked the earth. She did her best to learn and understand the world, She was pretty good at learning how the world work before most creatures have even been able to question the world. The Elder god cared about this strange knowable creature.

So she used a part of her soul and the creature's soul to make a new god, Korokoro then became the god who was in charage of the mind. Keep archive of what all living creatures have had learn. KoroKoro often gift those who follow her knowlage that creatures before them have gained. All ways making sure to leave detailed out to ensure that those who got the gift of knowalge are willing to work hard to learn more.

When Koroblins finally became into being KoroKoro grew a great fondness for them. As many of them worshiped her, and strove to understand thow the world worked in a greater way then most. KoroKoro has often given her most devoted worshipers blessings of knowalge.