Usan Zodiac/Tyen
The Usan Zodiac/Tyen divided in four Major parts, Repasenting The Four Tiger Gods, Then those four major parts are divided into 3 Sub parts. It's belive that what month you are born in connet to what trait/skill you will exele at. Each of these months are also conetted to a animal, witch 'will" bring you good luck if you wear the symbol relating to said animal. This Zodiac also recomends you should and should not be friends with.
ShaRoBy Signs
Those who are born under the months that the tiger ShaRoBy protects (January, Febuary, March) Are known for being mature, thoughtful, and indepent. But are also seen as being Qutie, Weak, and lonely.
Best Trait/Skill:Knowledge
Worst Trait/Skill:War
Animal/Luck Sign:Crowned Crane.
Unluck Sign::Leopard
"Those born in January have the potential to become great at any scholarly skill. It's recomend those with the Crowned Crane sign to Study by body's of water for better concentration. It is not recomended for this Sign to dable in war as War is a lot more then just facts and numbers. If you ever get in a fight its best to have other signs to help you come to a resultion."
Best Trait/Skill:Wisdom
Worst Trait/Skill:Mischief
Animal/Luck Sign:Bear
Unluck Sign::Fish
" Those Born in February are much better then other to see somthing as a whole rather then to get lost in the details. But this dose not mean this sign can not be tricked, In fact for seeing things as a whole small details can be missed. This sign must be extra care to no fall into scams and tricks. It's recomended for Bear sign's to make big chocies after having a good meal."
Best Trait/Skill:Dreams
Worst Trait/Skill:Power
Animal/Luck Sign:Hare
Unluck Sign::Boar
" All ways the dreamer those born in march all ways have there heads in the clouds. but this leads to great ideas and good self understanding. But this can lead to chains of unrealist plans. Those with the Hare sign are not recomended to be in any posstion of power, as that can lead to their down fall. It is recomened for those with the Hare sign to keep a dream jurnal. "
CanKin Signs
Those who are born under the months that the tiger CanKin protects (April, May, June) Are known for beign Pure, respectable, and Friendly. But are also seen as pushovers, Imature, and impatient
Best Trait/Skill:Kindness
Worst Trait/Skill:Magic
Animal/Luck Sign:Tusk Deer
Unluck Sign::Magpie
"Those born in april make great friends, who all will all ways be by your side. It is recomended that those with the Tusk Deer sign have large friend groups or large families to stay happy. Those born in april must be extra warry of magic, as their kind nature can you over taken easily by magic."
Best Trait/Skill:Love
Worst Trait/Skill:Soul
Animal/Luck Sign:Peacock
Unluck Sign::Tiger
"Having a big heart Those born in May under stand love better then anyone else, Love for friends,Family, Pets, Hobbies, ect. Its recomened for people with the Peacock sign to not shy away from showing off there love. But its best for those of this sign to stay away from those with the soul sign. As Love deals a lot with showing your soul to others, and Those with the soul sign are own to use that agist you."
Best Trait/Skill:Beauty
Worst Trait/Skill:Death
Animal/Luck Sign:Eagle
Unluck Sign::Flies
"This sign knows that Beauty is not just how you look, but how you act, and what you make. It's highly recomened for those with the Eagle sign to have a job that deals with crafting. Those born in June must be careful with how they deal with death, and make sure that death dose not become a obsession."
Maan Signs
Those who are born under the months that the tiger Maan protects (July, August, September) Are seen as liers, Mean, and crule. But are also seen to Add spice to life, understand things others would not dare too, and risk takers.
Best Trait/Skill:Death
Worst Trait/Skill:Beauty
Animal/Luck Sign:Flies
Unluck Sign::Eagle
"Those born in July are belived to be close with Death, it's recomended those with the Flies sign to become doctors, or other types of healers. As being close to death means your better at warding it away. It is not recomed for those with the flies sign to become close with what they find Beautful, as bringing death near them will rot away what you once amired"
Best Trait/Skill:Magic
Worst Trait/Skill:Kindness
Animal/Luck Sign:Magpie
Unluck Sign::Tusk Deer
"Being born in the month of magic has lead you to both good and bad luck, as the mana in the world seems to gravitate to you. Life is never dull around you. But beacuse of that taking the time to relax and be kind can be a strugle. It's recomending that people born in August take long walks in the woods."
Best Trait/Skill:Mischief
Worst Trait/Skill:Wisdom
Animal/Luck Sign:Fish
Unluck Sign::Bear
"Those born in September have a hard time fitting in, but tend to get along well with others born in the same month. Thos born under the bear sign will be hardest for you to get along with. They will do there best to share wisdom with you, but there advice will hardly help you. It recomeded that those born under the Fish sign to spend plenty of time goofy off."
YenJin Signs
Those who are born under the months that the tiger YenJin protects (October, November, December) are known for bravery, leadership, and Protecting overs. But are also seen as Cold, Rude, and Dull.
Best Trait/Skill:Soul
Worst Trait/Skill:Love
Animal/Luck Sign:Tiger
Unluck Sign::Peacock
"Those born in October are seen to have a strong contetion to there natural instects, And being true to your self. Witch can lead to being stubborn, witch is why those under the love sign are not a good match for you. It will end badly for both parties. It's recomeded that those under the Tiger sign to go on long jogs before making any big choices"
Best Trait/Skill:Power
Worst Trait/Skill:Dreaming
Animal/Luck Sign:Boar
Unluck Sign::Hare
"Being born in November means your best trait is your power. May that power be from your body or your voice. Being in a leadership role is ment for your. But you must be warry of those with big unrealist goals, who will make you lose focus. It's recomeded that those under the Boar sign, to work out often"
Best Trait/Skill:War
Worst Trait/Skill:Knowalge
Animal/Luck Sign:Leopard
Unluck Sign::Crowned Crane
"Those born in December are best at the skill of war. They know to never give up, and how to change plans on the fly. Your emotions drive you, but Those of the Crane Sign will try to slow you down. Those of the war skill must choose there friends carfuly to get what they want."