
Buboolios are the Mirrored version of humans. They make mass underwater cities in the deep ocean. there culture and history is a vast as mankind. Buboolios dont worry about what go's on above land, as land is seen as distant as we see outer space. But some Buboolios make the effort to live part time on land, going home to the waters at night time.
Physical description
even tho they vary in color, pattern's , shape, and size there are a few things all Buboolio have in common. They have Cold dolphin like skin, Having a human like torso, a human like face with out a nose, solid colored eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Human like arms with webbed hands. Thick Tendril/Tentacle Hair. Many tentacles instead of legs, witch on land at warp together to become "legs"
Common Social Structure
Buboolio have an endless variety in social structure. It's hard to find two Buboolio cultures with the same social structure.
Relations With other Humanoids
Buboolios are often over looked, as not many Buboolios live on land to be able to interact with most of the other Humanoids
Common Temperament
Buboolios tend to be curious about the world. They love to find out things first hand rather then just ask a question and find out. Buboolios can often be annoying with how much they want to understand how the wold works, its as if they could not find out enough about the world.
Reasons to Adventure
To learn, and to do their best to understand.
Pathfinder Traits and Abilities
Standard Racial Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers:+2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Size:Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed:Buboolios have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat:Buboolios select one extra feat at 1st level.
Prehensile Tentacles:flexible Tentacles that they can use to carry objects. They can wield a weapon with their Tentacles, but Take a -4 on all attack's made with them. (this counts as have 3 limbs for feats and what ever.)