
Fyshies are the most strange of the Humanoids. Fyshies are known for heading their advanced technology in their underwater homes. But sense they are so small the technology that Fyshies make dont tend to change the wider world... as well as the fact their tech really only work underwater. What has made a big change in the world that Fyshies made, is pop music!
Through out history across the world Fyshies have been best known for being great spys and assassins.
Physical description
Fyshies evolved to walk on their fins upright and even breath both air and water. A Fyshie can look like any type of small fish, often looking like the same kind of fish that live in the waters they are from. Fyshies do not need to stay in water 24/7 most spend their day on land but their evenings and nights in water.
Common Social Structure
Fyshies are very collective as a society.
Relations With other Humanoids
Fyshies tend to care most about what happens in their underwater cities. Fyshies don't talk to other Humanoids about what happens in their cities, Fyshies like to keep their secrets.
Common Temperament
Fyshies are very alien, their strangeness is what makes them interestsing to other Humanoids. Fyshies don't often tell others their motivates, it hard for others to know if a Fyshie is joking or telling the truth.
Reasons to Adventure
Fyshies love to see the world, they love to experience things... and mess around with land dwellers.
Common Names
Fyshies do not have a clear common naming convention. We just know that they thave names.
Pathfinder Traits and Abilities
Standard Racial Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers:+2 Dex +2 Charisma. -2 Strength,
Size:Fyshie are Diminutive creatures and thus receive +4 Ac +4 attack rolls -4 CMD/CMB +12 Stealth due to their size.
Base Speed:Fyshie have a base speed of 20ft on land and a 30ft swim speed.
Near sighted:-3 on perception on things 30 feet away or more