
Half-Koroblins are a mix of Human and Koroblin,often just called "Half-blood" "Maroon" "halftone". Half-Koroblins have a big range of how they look, some are able to fit into one side of their blood type. While some are born with 'defects' may are internal, While the most common external 'defects' can be anything from an extra eye, to sometimes even extra functioning limbs. This has made some Half-Koroblins feared by society.
The fact that some Half-Koroblins can use magic and have a second form, makes them seen as more dangerous and unusable. While in truth, Many Half-Koroblins tend to be more sickly then Humans or Koroblins beacuse of their mixed blood type. They are no more dangerous then any other humanoid.
Physical description
Half-Koroblins very alot, Some look just like another other Human or Koroblin; While others can be a uncanny mix of their two sides of their blodline.
Common Social Structure
Half-Koroblins tend to be a part of a mix society of Humans and Koroblins. Though in some countries, Half-Koroblins are the majority. Their Half-Koroblins tend to have a heavey focus on take care of others.
Relations With other Humanoids
Half-Koroblins tend to feel in between two worlds, not being able to fully fitting into one place. Some Half-Koroblins try their best to blend in with one side of their family and hide their roots of their other side.
Common Temperament
Half-Koroblins, Tend to be more anxious; This leads many into a few camps. Being very laid back, and not waiting to be noticed. Trying their best to make others like them. Or, Full of a fire that makes them want to fight for their right to be themselves.
Reasons to Adventure
Half-Koroblins often feel like they have to prove themselves to the world. Waiting to show others (and themselves) that they are not just their bloodline.
Common Names
Half-Koroblins can be either named a Human name or a Koroblin one.
Pathfinder Traits and Abilities
Standard Racial Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers:+2 to Wisdom +2 Constitution but -2 to Charisma
Size:T Half-Koroblins are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed:Humblins Half-Koroblins have a base speed of 30 feet.
Second Form::Half-Koroblins enter a second form when they are about to die from violence. When a Half-Koroblin is reduced below 0 hit points, they do not fall unconscious. They instead enter a second form that is unique to themselves, changing in appearance and gaining some new abilities. A Half-Koroblin can be in their second form for a number of rounds equal to 2 + Constitution modifier. Once entering their second form, a Half-Koroblin gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half their maximum hit points. Being reduced below 0 hit points second form causes a Half-Koroblin to actually fall unconscious, or die if dealt enough damage.
How to make a 2nd form page can be found here X(commign soon)
Dysmagica:if a Half-Koroblin is in a magic class, they gain spells a level later, other then level 1. For example if you would get 3 level one spells at level two in your class, being a half koroblin would make it so you would not get your 3 level one spells till level three.
Magician:having a much closer relationship to the magic in there blood Humblins who are casters gain one bonus level lower then they can cast spell slot each level
Second form Weakness:half-koroblin’s second form gains strength more slowly then full koroblins. They gain level one 2nd form traits, but they do not get level 3 traits till level 4, level 5 traits until level 6, ect...they have to wait one more level before getting a “level up” for their 2nd forms.
Maroon blood:Having Both red magical blood and Acidic Black blood. a magical toxin to any creature that is Red or black blooded.
Magic Scent:15 feet by sense of magic sent, being able to spell magic, magical beginnings or magical items
Alternate Racial traits
Blood magic:Replaces Dysmagica and Second Form, Gain the witch spell list https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/spell-lists-and-domains/spell-list-witch/ and witch spell progression (if they are a caster they lose the spell list of the class but get the spell progression of that class)
Toxic Blood: Replaces Dysmagica and Second Form. Any Red or Black blooded creature that deals 5 or more piercing or slashing damage is sprayed with your toxic blood. dealing 1d4 damage. effected creature must make a fort save equal to your con sore. if they fail you may chose if they become Paralysis for 1d4 rounds or if they take 1d2 con damage