
Humans are born with Red magical blood because of that most humans can cast cantrips by the time they can talk. tho learning how to cast stronger spells is a much harder thing that not everyone can do. Casting magic is so important to Humankind that not learning at least a handful of spells is seen as poor education in the majority of human cultures. Even if someone can only cast a handful of simple cantrips, that is better than not casting magic at all.
Humans' connection to magic is so high that the strange and supernatural seem to always follow humankind. Much of human cultures are defined by how much they try to separate or connect themselves with magic. Throughout history many societies have struggled with sticking to the magical side of human nature, or living more apart from magic for safety.
Physical description
Unlike the humans of our world, humans have a wide rage of hair colors that they can naturally be born with. These Hair colors are often (But not all ways) are the same color as their eyes. Human hair is often multi-colored and grown in patches, Much like calico cat patterns. Mainly having a main color witch is their dominant gene, and a sub color that is their recessive genes.
Humans have four magic glands within their body, Tho being born with none or even more magic glands are not uncommon. Being born without Magic glands can bring a lot of problems, one being not being able to cast spells. Other problems are related to not being able to regulate mana within their blood, each human reacts differently to the effects of too much mana in the blood.
Things it can lead to are Mood swings, Twitches, Seizures, and if left unchecked could lead to death. For much of human history there was not a known way of helping people without magic glands. Within history people tried to do blood leeding to take out the mana, Casting magic trying to remove the mana out of the afflicted blood, or even trying to make medicine to fix it. With how different each person is affected it's quite hard to have a one size fit all cure.
Common Social Structure
Humans have an endless variety in social structure. It's hard to find two human cultures with the same social structure.
Relations With other Humanoids
Humans are the closest to Humblins, As they both come from the same evolutionary line. Most Humans and Humblins get along very well and hardly see a difference in each other. Tho humans raised in places without Humblins can feel more confused about their counterparts.
When raised without Koroblins Humans have a natural fear of Koroblins. As Black Blood gives Humans a feeling of the uncanny valley. A natural danger. But humans who are raised with Koroblins can find fondness and love them. Human Koroblin romantic relationships are often frowned on in most cultures; But do happen often.
Common Temperament
Humans want to do what they think is right. They take risks to live their truth and to help others live the same truth. This can lead humans to take great strides in making the world a better place for all. But it equally can lead some people to believe that their version or truth and rightfulness is the only way to live life. As much as humans believe they are doing the right thing, humans have always proven that they are not perfect and still have much to learn.
Reasons to Adventure
Adventure seems to find people. Many human societies believe that everyone at least once will be called to action by the world whether they like it or not. On the other hand some humans can not help but seek out adventure and trails themselves. The more magical side of human nature can often make people want to seek out what is in the unknown.
Common Names
Human names vary a lot within cultures but one of the most common threads around the world is naming children after objects, things or ideas.
Names: Table, Chairs, Lunch, Paper, Scissors , Office, Ect, are very common. Though more conventional names are still used.
Pathfinder Traits and Abilities
Standard Racial Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers:Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Size:Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed:Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat:Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled:Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level
Naturally Magical: Humans can select one cantrip from any spell list regardless of class.