The Modern Koroblin Language is a combonation of a handful of Native Koroblin Languages. Talking Sounds from Each Language, Combining and Simplifying the Scpirt.
Making it easier for Koroblins to talk to each other, and bringing them closer together. DuYong, KaYaMa, And Tapyoka had the most influence in making the Koroblin Language.
Words can not be less then two letters. adjectives are put to the right of the noun it changes. Verbs are put to the left of the noun it relates too. Simple/small words get combined together to make more complicated Words/meanings.
Words have capital letter within the word to show how you pronounce it. Sample “KoroBlin”
I and you All ways starts a sentence If The word i and you are in a sentence, it starts the sentence.
I is all ways said before you Writing the same word twice with a - implies it’s a name of a god. Saying/writing a word for longer makes something a plural for sample in English Caaaaaaaaaat would be cats
Each word is a sentence, to make a longer sentence you make a longer word. Names are the only thing that can make a sentence more then one word long. Sentences don't use !.,? intend you mark the end of a paragraph with ! ? or . Dashes- are used to add names of people, Places or animals to a Sentence
Spelling | Pronunciation | Part of Speech | Definition | Example | Translation | Etymology |