The Creation Myth

We all know that the Elder God made the world, We can tell by the way magic works, by the way the world was shaped, But do you know the full story?

The Elder God had been making planets from the start of time, Creating each one, and changing each once; in what ever way she likes. She would make some planets really small, or ones so huge it would take decades to fly across. Then she started to make planets out of different things, one only water, one out of glass, one even made of gas. But one day she made a planet that really got her attention. She was able to make a planet of both Rock and water. The way the two elements reacted with each other was far more interesting then anything she seen before. So she gave this planet a moon, so she could all ways watch over it. She wasn't going to leave this one alone. But after watching the Water and Stone interact with each other for so long, she started to get bored. She seen everything water could do to stone, and everything stone could do to water. Elder God didnt want to just go make another planet tho, she felt like she spent so much time on this planet. She all ready gave it a moon, Why leave it now?

Elder God started to think "If only I had someone else to help me ideas" Eder god then had a thought. "Perhaps I could use a part of my self, to make another me?" She garbed the part of her self that wanted to see something happen, She ripped it out of her form. At first it was just as shapeless as her, and then to her surprise it spilt into two! Two Shapeless orbs. Elder could tell they had thoughts and feelings but couldn't understand just quite what they thought.

She showed the two forms the planet and said " I pulled you out to help me think of what to do with this planet, I like it but the water and stone are starting to get boring. Lets make something more."

The two Forms started to explore the planet, Looking at each stone, and each sea and lake. The two forms talked to each other, and then decided that they should make something to live on the stone and the sea. They grabbed some water and gave structure to so it could hold it's shape, one of the forms gave color to it, so it would be easy to see. What they ended up making was a plant. It could grow on its own! all it needed was water, The two forms nor the Elder god needed to force it to grow. Excited by what they made they showed the Elder God. Blown away with a idea she couldn't of come up with alone she wanted toe two forms to make more types of these plants.

The forms looked at each other, and said "But if we make more plants, How will we know witch plant we are talking about? surly we cant call them all plants the same word."

Elder god said "Well if we give plants each there own word, We should give you two words as well. Your more then just Forms after all"

With exciment the tow forms jumped. She gave each one there own name, She named the Calmer form 'Hemblin' And the energetic Form 'Sangre'. Then she said to the two. "Well Hemblin and Sangre i think you two are a lot like me, But rather then be in-charge of making big things like planets. You two will be in-charge of making living things like plants"

The Two where happy to agree with there new task, and when they went back to the planet, they started to make more and more plants. But they felt like they made all the plants they could for this planet, there's only so much you can make for a warm wet planet like this one. So Hemblin and Sangre went to the Elder God.

"We belive that we made all the plants we could for this planet, Perhaps you could change the planet's landscape a bit? That way we can make more different types of plants for it?"

Elder god agreed, So she 'Turned the page' of the planet. She folded the surface of the planet under the ground. Killing all the plants that Hemblin and Sangre made. The two where shocked, they didn't think they would have to start over. But as elder god 'Turned the page' Everything that they did to this planet had reset, They had a new blank canvas to put what they wanted. This time Elder God made some places more cold then others, Some paces more dry, And even made land that was higher up then other bits of land. This new canvas let Hemblin and Sangre make all types of new plants. They remembered some things about the plants they made before, so they where able to use some of their old ideas.

Once the two made tons of different plants, They started to get bored, Just like how Elder God got bored of a empty planet. They knew they had to start making something new. Sangre didnt even know where to start, But his bother Hemblin had a idea. Hemblin knew that by giving water shape they could make plants, But what else could we give shape to? Hemblin then started to try to make a new element, Something else that could be given structure. As he tried to form it, a Red liquid started to fall to the ground, it acted much like water and disapreed into the stone. Sangre wanted this new liquid, wanting to help his brother Sangre added his own idea to the liquid. Sangre reached into his own form and pulled out pure energy, He gave this to the Red Liquid, and it started to move and float on its own. Unlike the plants it seem to be able to think too, just like them. Delighted by what they made they showed the Elder god.

She wanted to help them out, this new thing they made was great but they needed to make more. "Listen, I'll make someone who can help you with this, Sangre you can't use up all your energy by giving it to this Red Liquid. I'll make someone who can make this energy for you"

So Eder pulled out the part of her self that Carried so many feelings, She gave his knew form a name 'KoroKoro'. She said to KoroKoro that her job was to make Energy for the life that Sangre and Hemblin where making. And so, KoroKoro made a ball of energy she called a 'Mind'. She made countless minds for Hemblin and Sangre to give to there new Red Liquid blobs.

After this Hemblin made many red Blobs, He gave them the name of 'Blood'. But all this Blood would do was float around. So hemblin made a new color of blood. He then made Black Blood, A type of blood that when it touch the red blood, The red blood would melt. They added more action for sure. Elder, Hemblin, Sangre and KoroKoro would spend there time watching the blood chance each other. But they soon got tried of that too. So Hemblin did what new knew what to do, and made more types of blood. He then made Pink Blood, a type of blood that could interact with the elements of this planet in a way red or black couldnt. He also made Cyan blood, a type of Blood that could more easily go from the mortal planet to the realms of the gods.

Sangre wanted to see this 'Blood' do more, sure it had a soul and could think. But It seemingly could only think about floating and eating. He wanted to see blood be more then liquid. He told his bother Hemblin about this and together the two would make structure for the blood. Hemblin made the body parts and Sangre organized these parts. Hemblin made body parts that only some colors of blood could have. He made Magical glans for the red blood, that way red blood could use the magic in the world around them. But he gave Black blood organs that would give them a edge over the magic that they where weak too. He went on with this till each type of blood had a body and its own types of organs.

These simple yet complex creatures gave a lot of joy to the Gods. All four of them love to watch these simple creatures go about there day. But once again it started to grow old on Elder god. Hemblin, Sangre and KoroKoro all begged Elder not to 'Turn the page' on these creature! they could do so much! they never seen or made anything like this before. But Elder god didnt fully listen, She said to them.

"Pick your most loved creatures and plants, They will be spared and can live on this planet on the next page"

And to KoroKoro she said "Take The minds who have the memories you think are most imponent to the creature, And keep those memories safe so you can give them to the minds on the next page"

The Three Gods grabbed as much as they could, of the things they held dearly. As the Elder god 'Turned the page' She folded the earth on top of all the creatures and plants they had made. Killing all the ones that was still left on the planet. There bodies where now a part of the stone. Elder God then changed the surface of the planet once again, making it more complex. Maybe this time the creatures will be more interesting, if the land is more interesting. Once the 'Page was turned' Elder God left Hemblin, Sangre and KoroKoro have rule over the planet again.

Not wanting to see another page turn, The Three gods worked together to make more complex creatures. Hoping that doing that would stop Elder from turning the page again. Hemblin worked hard to make Creatures that where more complex, Now Creatures could change there bodies to fit there environment more. No longer did Hemblin and Sangre need to design each type of body for each creature. Sangre then started to work on making creatures have instincts, So they would have drive to do things. And KoroKoro gave the creatures Dreams, At night when the slept there souls would go to the dream realm, Where KoroKoro would give them ideas from the past page of the word. So the creatures would have a better starting point and be able to do more then there past reelevates .

With this more complex world, the Gods where all happy to watch. Every now and then a God would give the creatures a new gift, so Elder Wouldnt grew tried of watching them. Hemblin gave them the gift of Magic! the red blooded creatures could now cast magical spells from schools of magic that the gods crafted. Sangre gave them the gift of Hope, so the creatures would never just give up and die they would now fight till the end. KoroKoro gave the creatures Emotions, So there feelings would effect what they do everyday.

As time went on more and more complex creatures evolved, They started to do thing on there own. Like build homes! Make tools that would make there lives easier. Some creatures even learned about the gods and started to pray. This made for a fantastic world. There where so many intelligent types of life, of so many diffrent blood colors too. They came in all different shapes and forms. Hemblin, Sangre and KoroKoro Grew very close to the creatures of this planet. Loving to see what they made turned into its own system. They no longer had to do everything for the creatures of this planet, But the creatures seemed to love the gods as much as the gods loved them. So they all ways had something to do, and someone to help.

But the Elder god didn't feel the same. She said to the gods the same thing she did before.

"Pick your most loved creatures and plants, They will be spared and can live on this planet on the next page"

"Take The minds who have the memories you think are most imponent to the creature, And keep those memories safe so you can give them to the minds on the next page"

And the page was turned, The other gods couldn't do anything about it. Elder was much stronger then them after all. Each time the page would turn More and more beautiful complex creatures would form. Each time Hemblin, Sangre and KoroKoro would fall in love with them. Each time hoping that this would be the last time Elder would turn the page.

And each time... It wasnt the same time Elder would turn the page. Even after the creatures of the planet would make the most complex and amazing world, Elder would grow tried of them, wanting to see something new. It felt like what ever the other three gods did was never enough to make elder happy for long. And they where growing sick of it... After page and page of the world being turned. Hemblin, Sangre and KoroKoro made a plan, this time was going to be the last time the page would turn. The creatures they made this type looked very different from the ones of the past and as time went they evolved into creatures we know today, Humblins, Humans, Karahum, Koroblins, and Thera. KoroKoro Became more picky on witch creature she would give dreams with memories of past pages. She chose the Koroblins because she trusted them the most to be able to make amazing things with the ideas she gave them.

The world stage was set, as the gods let the creatures of this planet live there lives. They hoped that this would be the last page turn. But again elder grew bored, She started to turn the page. Seeing this happen the gods all tried to find something that would give her a reason to stop, The page has been turned countless times. For once the gods just wanted to stay. KoroKoro Tried to show one of her smart Koroblins as a reason to not turn the page.

KoroKoro said "But Elder! Look at what this Koroblin has made! isnt this fantastic?!"

Elder god responded "I've seen something like that before, a Few pages before"

Sangre now wanted to prove that his world was worth keeping, He spoke up and said. "But Elder! I have Spent so much time side by side with the mortals! I have lived lives with them! They have such hopes and dreams and love for the world. You cant turn the page on them!"

And Elder God responded. "My dear Sangre, The world has seen hope and dreams and love, for pages and pages. That's nothing new"

And the page kept turning. The sea was now full of buildings and creatures, Luckly beacuse of the slower 'page turn' The creatures who where thorwn to the sea where Able to evolve to live in the sea, A mirror of those creatures on land.

The Gods all started to panic at anytime the page could fully turn and they would had to start over again. This page has lasted longer then many but they so desperately wanted to keep it. It was now time for Hemblin to try to convince Elder God that this world should be kept, He watched it very carefully looking for the right thing that would make Elder keep this page.

Seeing this Hemblin showed the elder god. "Look Elder! you can not turn the page, This mortal did something we never seen before. It casted a spell that brought the dead back to life."

The Elder saw this spell and this new kind of magic and said, "That's amazing Hemblin, Your right we've never seen that before! But that makes me think we should turn the page. On the next page we can make it so more creatures can do that. We could see so many new kinds of magic made by them! wouldnt that be great!"

Hemblin Became Angry, Why didnt this work!? Elder can't just 'turn the page' on these people... so he proposed a deal. "Elder God, Please dont trun the page, At least... At Least can you wait until that human dies? Humans lives are so short after all, its hardly a word on a page. You can wait that long till you turn the page right?"

And for once Elder God Agreed to this deal, Hemblin was right, Human lives are so short that waiting for one human to die wont be any time. But Hemblin being the god at life had a plan. He went to this human and gifted them immortality, but with one condition This human must promise to spend their never ending life on Protecting life as best as they could. The Little human having no idea the full meaning of it's actions made the promise. Hemblin feeling like he was able to pull a fast one of Elder God was finally happy, Feeling like finally the page turning would stop. The gods Hemblin, Sangre and KoroKoro where now able to fully in joy the world they have made. Surly this planet would only have peaceful times from here. Nothing major would change any nothing wrong could happen, now that Elder promise to not turn the page.

For now.