
Nihiya is known as Birth Place of Humanity. As it has the oldest Human cities, best part is there still standing. It's buildings may be old but are well kept, many old buildings have the inside of them keep up with the techonlgoy of the rest of the world. Nihiya is know for warm, humid weather with long rainy seasons. Around Nihya are many small islands witch have many plants and animals that evlovoid to just live on that one small island. The warm water's around Nihiya and it's island make fish and other animals numberis. Fey are also a common sight there, as the jungels in Nihiya are some of the oldest growth in the world.
People from Nihiya are famous for traveling the world; its common to see Nihiyan tourist just around any where on the world. They are really easy to spot because Nihiya has a cuture with a high modisty standard. Covering your hair in puplic is the norm, and the only skin acceptable to show is finger tips, and face. Tho married women wear transparnet veils. Nihiya has a high level of love with fashion. In fact they often hold beauty pageants but not for people. Nihiya holds beauty pageants for dolls. in the highest levels of these pageants people spend time and money making fully custom dolls, from their scupt, to every bit of clothing on the doll. Lower level Pageants let people bring in premade dolls, or even mass produced toy dolls. Thet dont even need to make their own clothes but rether style the dolls they all ready have. These doll beauty pageants give freedom of fashion that the people dont have, sense heavy modestisty is the norm for living people. Nihiya's foods are known for being easy and clean to eat with deep favlors with in the food. Starchy root vegetables much like the potato is their staple food witch is in about every meal. Many of the dishes are brightly colored by the driffrent seasonings that they use.
In Nihiya each city, Town, and village vote for a representative who votes in the capital. peopel only have to go to two years of school before they an run for representative. They can be a representative for ages 25-40.
Mythology & Lore
It is belived that the god Hemblin chose the island of Nihiya to brith people on becuse of its safety. Nihiya has a lack of big meat eating animals, and plenty of foods humans can eat with few poisonus plants. Becouse of this Nihiya has a long history with worshping Hemblin.
Foreign Relations
Nihiya often butt heads with other countries around it, they try their best to mother countries around them. Many take there advice well, at worst long debates and temparily stoping trade happens.