
Hevlin is a Hemblick church, witch follows the Trio of Gods, Hemblin, Sangre and Schain. They focus on Life, Blood, Magic, And death. Mixing The three Gods Values Hevlin teachings are ones of Protection of others, Freedom to truly be yourself, and Connection of your community. Members of the Hevlin church often have cities or townships away from others, to be able to have more control of how there towns are run. But they are all ways willing to help others wearther or not they are a part of the Hevlin church.
Members of the Hevlin are often looked down by other groups, seen as too radical, too strange, and fighting for a hopeless cause. Many countries write laws the superficially lessen religious freedom for Hevlin people. As many members aren't afraid to protests the government, offer free services that governments normally make money off, or at times taking matters to there own hands for the skate of justice.
Tenets of Faith
The list of the basic Tenets of the Hevlin Faith.>
I am the Sum of all I have done.
I will keep my skin covered, may my blood never spill on the ground.
Save Judgment for the Gods, My fellow people shall not be Judged by I.
I will protect people by the best of my abilities.
I will Never Harm another person, not with my words or actions.
There are not many sins in the eyes of the Hevlin church But rape and Murder is all ways a sin. Murder only has one exaptation for the majority of members and that's in self defense (please note that accidental death and abortion is not seen as murder) And even in those cases if excessive blood loss happen it still looked down apond. Now the group of people in the church who have a exaptation for murder is Paladin's of Scahin, whom speed years training to do Schain's will. Paladin's who slay someone using a holy smite; are seen as someone who did a God's will, and not a murder.
Modesty is a important virtue for all genders in the Hevlin church. Not because lust is much of a concerned for them, but because trying to avoid any injury to there skin that might make them bleed.In Hevlin modesty as long as the majority of your skin is covered your okay, unless your doing somthing dangerous and are not wearing the appropriate gear.
Each Hevlin church have three heads of the congregation, One bishop for each God. Those bishop May or may not have clerics or priest who help them with there tasks depending on the size of the congregation. Those who are born Oracles are highly regarded in Hevlin communities and often get encouragement to get training to be able to join the Priesthood.
Major Holidays
God's Day January 1rst: A day to bring in the new year and for those who worship gods to make promises to there god/s
Day Of Truth April 30th: A day dedicated to The True Judge they say if you lie on the day of truth something extremely bad will happen to you
Grandmas May 12-14:its a 1-3 night festival where everyone in a church will do something for the other members, like doing a magic show, selling food, cleaning up ect. The main reason for the holiday is to draw in new members and bring long time members togreather.
Bloods Day October 4th:Many people belive that the soul is in the blood. Bloods day is both to celebrate everyone different and similarities they have with there blood colors, And to honor there soul. People celebrate by trying to repent for what they've done in the past year, many do that by say sorry, forgiving others, giving gifts, praying, or doing charity. Tho the ones who dosent care for the soul spend bloods day by spending time with there friends, telling of stories, seeing who can do the most acts of courage, And sometimes even marriage proposals.
Most sects of Hevlin dose not have a offical wedding traditions. Though in countries or cultures where weddings are more common.
A Hevlin tends to be small with only close family members. The main event is the couple make a blood oath to each other, this oath is deeply personal and is driffrent to who ever is getting married.
Many Hemblick cultures have very similar funerals, but for a the Hevlin faith. Funerals start with checking the will of one who passed. This will is kept by their local church and has writen if they would want to be rased as a undead or not.
. As in Koroblin world the Undead have there soul still in them. (if there raised with in the year of there death, after that its much more unlikly that there soul will combined to there body ) Making them still have personhood. people who get raised from the dead often ask to for reasons like, "If i die a untimely death I want to spend more time with my family" or " I want to be able to protect my community so no one has to die to protect themselves" even things like "I want to be able to finished my research are reasons why people comeback. A undead person may stay around for as much time as 20+ years or as little as a week. its all about if they want too. Being undead isnt the same as being alive, but it's still not too far from life. Tho they lose there voice Undead naturally learn sign langue, they even keep there memories of there life. But the biggest thing they lose is being able to cast magic. But over all people respect the undead.
After a undead is ready to pass on, their soul is released. And there body is processed, truned into mluch. With the Skull being given to the family to keep at their home shrine.
Mythology & Lore
The Hevlin faith belives that Hemblin and Sangre gave people the blessing of being alive and to be themselves. And they belive that Schain aims to keep people safe, so they can keep being alive and be free to be themsevles.
Religion’s thoughts on:
Hevlin faith belives that everyone has there own chocie about how they present to others. Gender is seen free and loose, that can change over time.
As long as someone is of age, the only restriction is insest. As that is a major sin.
Modesty is not a issue with Hevlin, but they care a lot of about not spilling blood. So most hevlin people cover as much skin as possible. But they do not shame others for how they chose to dress.
Romantic love and marriage
Marriage is not a religious thing for the Hevlin faith, but many do get married for lawful protections in the country they live in.
Much like their views on gender, The Hevlin faith have no rules about any sexulity as long as it dose not harm others.