Temple of The Body

The Temple of The Body is the major church of Cuerso. It's very distant from the more fundamental Cuerso religions. The Temple of The Body focus more on taking care of your self. Often these churches seem more like rec-centers then churches. Tho one of the aspects of The Temple of The Body that matches the fundamental views on two things. Death, and having children. Death is not to be avoided, and having children is a holy duty.
Do not use healing magic to save your life or others life.
Extending your life is morally wrong; Using medicine or getting surgery is wrong.
Having kids is your duty, it keeps the cycle of life going.
Do not murder other followers of Cuerso.
Be as healthy and active as your body allows.
Major Holidays
God's Day January 1rstA day to bring in the new year and for those who worship gods to make promises to there god
Loving-Times Day February 7thon the 7th of February they Celebrate the love they have for them selfs and others.
Weddings are a big deal, people often spend grand amounts of money for wedding parties.
Though The Temple of The Body often revokes marriages if the couple dose not have kids with in 3 years of getting married.
Funerals tend to be simple, the body is cremated with the family in attendance. Memories of the dead are said, and the ashes are kept in the the temple.
Mythology & Lore
Religion’s thoughts on:
The Temple of the Body dose not belive that humans have more then one gender. Beliving that sex and gender are not related in anyway. They fully belive that humans have only one gender, the gender of human. They do not have any rolls and dutys that are gendered specific.
They belive people should injoy them selfs, But contraptions are never allowed.
They have no rules about nudity.
Romantic love and marriage
They view both Romance and marriage as steps to the end goal of having kids.
They don't mind as long as at one point you at least have one child.