The Truth Of Life
The people of Deseret Follow a religion "The Truth Of Life" or T.O.F for short. worships Cuerso and Sangre (Known as the Mountain God to them) A religion that believes in casting magic as worship, and sacrifice as prayer. Whether that Sacrifice is of your time or Fleash is up to person to person. Those who dont follow there religion are seen as outsiders. Over the years the T.O.F have been wanting to clean their imange from there history of more bloody practices. Trying for years to make outsiders more keen on their religon. But people are easy to forgive high amounts of murder.
The Truth Of Life belive that the meaning on life is to survive. They take that to mean a few things.
1. Take care of your own, outsiders do not have your interest in mind.
2. To take care of your own, you must sacrfice your time and self to them or the gods.
3. Do not harm your own.
This often leads to The Truth of Life church take extrem and dangerous actions. It is not uncommon to hear stories of Truthers poaching travelers to use their organs for organ transplants.
Major Holidays
God's Day January 1rst: A day to bring in the new year and for those who worship gods to make promises to there god/s
Mountain Day July 24th: A day where people go into nature to sing and pray, They often cook grand dishes. As well as cast spells that only the Truth of Life know of.
T.O.F weddings are held in Temples that are extreamly private. What goes on in those temples are are only known by the people who are allowed in.
Funerals are ran in T.O.F churches, where people celebrate all that the person has done. Afterwards they take the body into nature and left, that way nature dose what it seems fit to the body.
Mythology & Lore
T.O.f belive that the Gods once touched the earth, and the places that are God touched beocmming holy sites. For that reason they T.O.F build their temples that have been 'God touched'
Religion’s thoughts on:
They belive that gender is very black and white, a thing that can not be changed.
They belive that you must be married before you have sex.
Nudity is heavily frowned on no matter the situation.
Romantic love and marriage
If your not married by the age of 20 it is looked down on. Marriage is seem more important then love is.
Heavly disliked.... :c
The family unit
Seen as the most important part of life. The family must do everything it can to take care of itself