
Dentrail is a Hilly grassy country, its rare to find a lush forest here. But rivers and swamps break up the plains across the land. Dentrail has all ways been able to stand out of the religious wars that pledge Europe. Dentrail is proud to stand on its own and away from this bickering. Perhabs it's just there luck that let them stay out, or there stubbornness did the trick. Dentrail stands out for there one of a kind buildings, witch are more reliant on stone then wood unlike most of Europe. they are aso known for fabrics and clothing, as many rare dyes are found in the grassy country side.
Strangely for Europe Dentrail has a high number of Water Thera who live there. Mostly living in the coastal area, these Thera spend most of there time Fishing and Building. Back in the 1500's The then King of Dentrail made a Peace treaty with the water plane, witch has lasted all this time. Some even say that all these Thera are the reason for the high amount of sorcerers have water elemental bloodlines. These Thera are fully mixed into the culture of Dentrail.
Dentrail has a big culture of fiber arts, people often make blankets to commemorate big life events. Their main form have Fiber arts is Hand or arm knitting. Or other methoids of knotting yarn togreather. Dentrail has a big culture of 'stay out of people's way'; and are seen as very polite. Their saying of "Dont become a knot in someone's yarn" is many people's way of living. This has lead to puplic safety but equally has lead to troubles within the home. Most people dont care about a political issue if they themself dont face it or, if the political issue is'nt a visual one.
Public Action
Dentrail has been trying to build up it's tourist industry, and wokring on making Dentrail a more interesting place to vist.
Dentrail has lots of rolling hills Dentrail is full of farms, manly cotton and wool. Overly all known for trading Fabric, Cotton, Wool, Fabric dyes.
Foreign Relations
People of Dentrail tend to dislike anyone who comes from a religious country. As in their far past they where once ruled by Velika and still have hard feelings to such ideals. It gets along very well with the near by country Graylist, as they have many similar ideals.
Demography and Population
40% Human
35% Water Thera
10% Half Koroblin
5% koroblin
4% Humblin
1% other