
Falou shares a border with the magic barrier of the south making their coutry a hot spot for magic. Falou has many magical jungels are moutains, making it a place that foreners love to explore.
Falou is known for its high quallity makeup, skin care, and hair care. People from all over the world buy its products. It's a toss up if it is this way because of the rare plants here, Magic used in prodtion, or just the pure skill of the people here.
Falou's natural landscapes are filled with magic and strange happnenings. The closer you get to the southern border of Falou and more strange and maigcal it gets. Thse jungels can often change quickly making it dangureus to go with out looking into the news of whats going on in that reason often.
Most people in Falou shave their heads, many do interate patterns on their head. Even shaving basic patterns into your eyeborws are common. Though most people do dont show their shaved hairs as wearing head covers is the norm. People often add broches to their Head covers for fashion, and or spriural reasons.
Gauges are the most popluar type of pricing for all genders. Many get their first gauges at the start of puberty. Painting your styles have also been a major culture point for Falou. For all genders, Painted nails are a sign of being a adult. And many cuples wear making nail polish to show that they are togther. Even makeup is a gender neutral thing to do.
What is a gendered Style is fabric tieing. A thing that only Woman and Femiem people do. There is many driffrent ways you can tie your fabrics around your body. Most people use long thin fabrics to tie around there waist. More advetureus people tie their fabrics from there around their neck and around their waist.
Humblins sometimes join in this fashion culture but mainly have their own culture as a whole. Most humblins do not wear clothes, sicking to manily jewlary and other small acresseres. And the majority of Humblins in Falou would never shave their fur off.
Food in Falou is many veggiatry or vegan, with eating meats of all kinds being a things saved for holidays. Falouien food tends to be very sweet and heavy with sauses. Sweet and spicy is the most favoirt falvor combo across the country.
The pepople in Falou belive that somewhere hidden in there country is the origin of magic, said to be a deep cave that radiates mana lines. There are many reglonal stories about what extalltly is in the Origin of magic. Some people belive that this 'Origin of magic' must be on the other side of the magical wall that sepatrics the who halfs of the world.