
Debank is a humid,river full, wet country. known for swamps, jungels. Debank is known for having a sence of adveture and fun. Stumbling and joining parties you find durring your day is very common. Their is a big sense of workers right, with low hour work weeks, and lots of paid time off. People of all kinds enjoy having free time and spend time doing all shorts of hobbies.
People of Debank have a lot of love and care for the land they live on. Many cities are intergrated with the land around them. Many houses use the trees around them as structural suport.
Land owners are those with power, The royal family of Debank technacly owns all the land of the country. While The landloards of Debank who can vote and such, only have a sub owership of the the land they own. While normal citizines own the homes on those lands but not the land its self.
Debank has a deep hair culture, from how you braid, shave, or tie it, to what objects you intergrate into your hair. Each bead, fabric, or yarn that you add into your hair says somthing about you. Each bead that you put in your hair repsents a spell that you can cast. The color shows what kind of spell you can cast. Braids shows what part of Debank your from, the number of braids or style of braids can say a lot. Not everyone braids their hair to show pride of where they are from but it is popular. A full head of braids is a protive hair style and dosent really say much unless your braid in colors or beeds.
Yarn art called "Hinonyrc" is a type of fiber art that uses one needdle and one hook to make a knoted fabric. It is most common to make jewlary and small acesecaris. Tho a skilled Hinontyrcer can use a thinner needle and hood to make fabrics that are easier to wear. Or some people make lacey open fabrics, either as shawls or overlayers.
Body paint is another style culture in Debank. The colored hues of body paint tend to be from plants around where someoen lives. Most of these paints are images are related to the natural landmarks around themselfs.
in the earily days of Debank, Humans and Koroblins lived side by side. But not togreather, The Humans belive that the Koroblins where nature sprits. While the Koroblins belive that the Humans where magic sprites. Tho two speices belived that they where two driffrent type of magical beingins, People still became friends with teh other species. Over time the two groups became one, as understanding of the other grew more and more. Thats how the country of Debank was born.
Foreign Relations
Debank gets along best with Sufin and Phadet
Debank has a huge amount of forest for wood, and some mines with vaulble minarels.