
The "Sister" country of Usan. Iemca has been safe from Duyong but fight with KaYaMa oftenly. It's Relationship with Usan is also rocky. As IemCa wants to bring it's "Sister" Usan into it's borders. As much of IemCa refuses to see the culutral driffrences that Usan has, and focuses on what they have incommon.
It's Lush land and plentiful mines have made it a target, to other countries. Though out history IemCa has had to free itself from opressors. But just as offten with its freedom it has tried to colonize it's neighbors. Iemca has never gone too far with it's tries with colonization; but has still left scars.IcemCa is a lot less moutainess then Usan, but it's just as rainy.
IemCa shares many cultural things with Usan tho with so many decades being septirated they do have there deffirances.
They belive in the four tigers, while the Tigers are seen as being different then the gods of koroblin world, many have studied them and learned that there powers do come from the Gods... but they them selves are not the Gods. those seeking wisdom from any of the Four Tigers Use a FeRo (a ceremonial knife) to sacrifice there blood (or others) to Tigers.
ShaRoBy (Mother of the North) Tiger of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Dreams. By is seen as the mother of Koroblins, and the one who wants to guide them away from being the crazed hunters that there in nature. Mind over body is her main philosophy.
CanKin (Man of the East) Tiger of Kindness, Love, and Beauty. Seen as the Tiger who made the divide of female and male koroblins. Giving men the kindness and softness that koroblin women seem to lack. Cankin Teaches to use kindness as a way to peace.
Maaan (One of the South) Tiger of Death and Magic. Seen as the tiger who is a trickster, and a traitor. Maan gave up there black blood for red, driving them crazy. Maaan is the least loved Tiger, but still seen as holy. As Maaan is believed to be able to turn a half koroblin into a full koroblin, by stealing all the red blood in them. The philosophy of Maaan is 'Better to know what endangers your life, then to hide from it and let it take you"
YenJin ( They of the wind) Tiger of Soul, Power, and war. Seen as the one who gave each koroblin there soul, A soul that craves bloodshed. Not seen as a force of good or bad, but of nature. A tiger that is seen as hard to stop. When people get into fits of rage they say things like " Looks like you let YenJin have to much infuce on you." There philosophy is one of balancing your nature with what you know is right and wrong.