
One of the more newer countries in Europe, Jonobay has only been around sense the late 1800's. After a Group of Cuerso Followers who wanted there former countries to go back to the ancient ways they once had. The people of Jonobay are known as Readers of the Stars and followers of Cuerso. Being extremely superstitious, and relight on magic, its not a friendly place to non-magic users. The country lust of gold have lead to paths of blood, and it dose not hide its history of war. The country has done great evils but as time passes they have tried to make up for there mistakes. But have not been great at cleaning up there image.
Jonobay believes in innovation so much so that they often destroy old information believing that old knowledge will slow them down. In daily life people find themselves reinventing themselves, makes the classic saying "Its not just a phase mom!" useless as everyone is all ways in some kind of phase. As much as people have freedoms to explore themselves and redefined themselves, people who can not add to the workforce or innovation in any way. Such as disabled or elderly people are seen as useless, And often have to fight tooth and nail for their right to live.
There is a big subcultuer of fey mages in Jonobay as they had so many contextions to Sadette in the past. Infact Sadette used to have land that is now Jonobay. And many from Sadette still travel to Jonobay to vist fey that live there. Sadette and Jonobay are on falry good trems.
Public Action
Jonobay wants to be seen as the home of innovation but more often then not the outside world sees them as a place where human rights get traded in for money
The Area of Jonobay used to be Four different countries, Rayin, Lerita, Folldin, and Jyorn. But a swift and deadly war the lasted from Spring of 1855 - to winter of 1855, with the goal of bringing the four countries together brought Jonobay into the history books. The early Armies of Jonobay went into each of those four countries and distroied any and all things relating to the Gods other then Cuerso. To this day there are people who want to fight for getting Rayin, Lerita, Folldin, and Jyorn back. But they have yet to make any ground on the goal. As Jonobay is very strick about how it deals with rebles.
Foreign Relations
VerNay: The country of Jonobay dose not understand Why VerNay Hates them so. In Jonobay's Eyes there doing as they do, living the way there own God would want.
They Are best known for making Metals such as Common Metals, Uncommon Metals, And Magical Metals.
Demography and Population
90% Human
5% Half-Koroblin
4% Humblin
1% korobin