
Pawns is a fairly new country in Europe, once controlled by Hetally Pawns has to learn how to spread its wings and stand on its own. After generations of being used as the Army grounds of Hetally. Pawns vowed to never war again, Witch have brought problems of its own. Many see them as Sitting ducks, but at least here pretty ducks.
It's own for its lovely mountain rages, Thick forests, and Clear waters. When visiting people mostly go for the food! as the have a interesting mix of the foods of Hetally, and the taste of magical cooking that comes from there Humblin population.
Regradless of age and gender clothing in Pawns Tend to be lacey, Pink, and Fluffy. Desgins with loops and wave desgins. The clothes that people wear is to spread joy, and to enjoy the freedom that they now have.
Hetally has spent years and decaids trying to hide the history it had with Pawns. As Hetally used Pawns as Testing grounds for wepons of war. All tho Hetally dosent war with in it's contanit. It dose war over trade roads around the world. The people of pawns had enough of this treatment. They hated the unneeded wars, and testing grounds their homes have became. The tipping point was that durring a Hetally test bombing in Pawns that "Actadentally" distroied a histrocailtiy impornat Art gallery. Hundresses of historcal art from pawns where burned, and people died. After that the people of pawns started to roit and protest. But protest wasnt enough. Even tho Hetally was able to break free from Velika with peace, Hetally didnt let go of pawns with out a fight. It was not a fair war, it went on for way to long, and way to many cilvains died. Hetally out numbered and out armed pawns in just about every way. It wasnt till other countries steped in to help Pawns that the war ended. And some how Pawns ended up free. Luckly the world favored Pawns and help by sending money and food to be able to rebuild.
After the war Pawns had a huge spike in Humblin Imagration, A rare thing in eurpoe. Many Humblins moved to Pawns becuase they where so sadden and where moved by what happened that they wanted to helped. Now Pawns more than welcome Humblins, It's like they where all ways in Pawns in the frist place.
But over the years Pawns have felt like those outside of Pawns have forgtton what Hetally had done to them. People in Pawns try to keep this hisotry alive and not forgot but Hetally have spent even more money and time to make the world forget it. At the monemt Pawns and Endbur are the only two countries who teach about the Hetally Pawns war.
Demography and Population
51% Human
48% Humblin
1% other
Pawns has the highest population of Humblins in Europe.