
Gophant has a very lively coast line, famous for birghtly painting adobe houses. With frabics adorning every house. North Gophant is known for is coast, temprate weather and sea food. But south Gophant is really dry due to a mountain rage. Making the norht and south Gophant have driffrent cultures and especially driffrent foods cultures.
Gophant is also known for their textiles, with there patterns and desgins being very popular in world wide cultural. A lot of their frabic dying is very interesting beacuse the north and south Gophant have very driffrent methods. Northen Gophant uses the sea salt they make intressting patterns with the dyes, as salt helps spread the dye. In southern Gophant they tie fabric in knots then poor dye on top of the fabics making very intresting pattern. Weaving and yarn dying are also common here. Central Gophant is known for beading fabrics durring the weaving process adding texutre to the fabric.
Fabrics are really important to the people of Gophant. Each household has a fabric tapestry that changes over time. Family memebers add to the family tapestry at 3 main moments in therie life. When they turn 10, when they get married, and when they turn 40. People can add what ever they want to the tapestry, Making these tapestry a flare of color, texture and styles.
People of all genders keep there hair long and styled, most common stlyes are braids that are tied in a updue. Married women cover their hair with a head scarf. Gophant also has a culture of face paint with dots and lines are the must common patterns. and shaving eyebrows to small dots is normal pretty normal.
Gophant have many art festivals durring the year, with about one major art festival every two months. Some celebrate only one time of art, some celebrate all art. In these festivals its common to have areas to craft or paint. As well as chefs who use food as their from of art. It's common in these festivals for artist to sell art for people to take home. As well as well known people handing over awards for the best art of the festival.
[The most common food in Gophant are foods wraped in leafs and boiled of baked. What is filled in these wraped weaves vary a lot in north and south Gophant. North fillings tend to be seafood and furits. While south Gophant favors Meats and herbs.
Gophant has two royal families one for the northside and one for the southside. Both north and south side are allowed to make there own laws. But the two sides often work togreather to sever there country.
Gohpant used to be many kingdoms that slowly started to marry into each other. Now with two kingdoms left the two domains came togreather to be come one country.
Many textile fabric factories, and farms for textiles fibers.
Demography and Population
Gophant is mainily populated by humans, but north Gophant has a sizeable population of Buboolios.