
Sadette is the biggest exporter of farmed goods in the world. And its people are Joyful and peaceful. It's friendliness have gave it many allies and kept them safe from the hard sides of the world. They say the name of Sadette comes from a Fey Queen who used to rule there lands. But memories of those times a but a fey tale now.
Sadette's landscape is mountainous, with valleys with lush soil. Tiered farms fill the country, with equality tried towns. many of the animals that live there are built for climbing vertically. Because of this vertical land, its believed the spell "feather fall" was created here. Many tourist get hurt or die from not being propitly prepared for climbing in the mountainous land of Sadette. Most Tourist who want to see the sights hire a moutainer to help them get around.
People in Sadette have all ways lived closly with fey, even in the morden day people have picked fey over a high tech world. infatructre in Sadette isnt very uptodate when it comes to techology. As they mainly use magic for the majority of amenities in daily life.
Like the Histrocal Sadette, Mordern Sadette has a big cultural importance to scarfs and bandanas, and braided hair. But as time went by, Jewarly became another coner stone in clothing in Sadette. Wearing Jewarly that showed what Fey you get along best with is another way to show your place in the world. Fabric culture also became deeper, as earily Sadette fabric could only imform people where are from, but now fabrics could show your gender, your personailtiy, age and even more.
Sadette folk music come in two forms, passive music and purpose music. Passive music are things like windchimes and whistle stones, while Purpose music are things like boots with metal heels, fabric with bells, any shorts of way to make music wiht your body. Dancing is the tradtional way of making music. With instruments being saved for nobles. Sadette tradtion songs tend to be fultes and whistles with deep humming and singing.
Public Action
Sadette stays out of the way of other coutries, they dont really have a need to worry about others. But people from Sadette do acovate for fey, and fey rights.
Grain Known for exporting Farms, Fruit Farms, Friendly Fay, and Fun. All tho rockly people do not mine here, as the Fey have warned people for decades about digging down. Even going into Caves are a bit taboo.
Sadette is technically the oldest country in Europe, technically only because a group of humans following a Fay Queen, may or may not count as a country in some people's eyes. But as time went on... and the Fey queen passed on. Sadette how to figure out how to organize its self on there own. Sadette went from system to system coping other countries until they can find what fits, and they never where able to pick one way to be. Every few years they change radically, see what would do the most good for there pepople.
Demography and Population
50% Human
20% humblin
20% Half Koroblin
10% Koroblin
Many of the Casters in Sadette have a Fey Bloodline.