
SaZarbu is a country that as all ways been covered in snow and ice. No matter the season or temperature outside its borders, it stays frozen. This country is one full of mystery, its clear that people live there but they keep to them self. The people of SaZarbu dont tend to interact with the rest of the world. They don't even Trade often with other countries. But if one knows that all who live in SaZarbu are Thera, it makes a lot more sense why there so on there own.
At night SaZarbu is eerily quite, with Thera needed to sleep in there elemental plane; Cities are left bare at night. Tho it dosent make there buildings a easy target as the Thera let Elemental Beast roam the streets when there gone. The extact deal the Thera have with Elemental Beast isnt clear, but what ever it is, it must be working.
Many fear SaZarbu becuase they are so quite and to themselfs. It's unknown how friendly SaZarbu is, or how powerful they are. It's even unknown how many cities or popultion they have.
It's culture is more or less unknown. The only things about it that is known to the wider word, comes from other Thera that have been able to vist. The Thera who go there say that those who lived there are quite craft people who dont say much. Many dont trust this statement.
Public Action
It is unknown if SaZarbu have any plans that deal with the rest of the world. Some worry that the Thera are planing something that no one could even guess.
It's History is Muddled, as Thera dont seem to care about keeping there history that deals with the mortal plane. Either that or they really dont want other species to know about Thera history, perhaps they are hiding something. It dosent help that the land the country is on is deadly in its self. It is said that you have to be a elemental to be able to surive in SaZarbu.
SaZurbu is the Frozen Sands south of Europe. It's unknown why this area is supernaturally frozen.
Demography and Population
100% Thera
It seems to be a very dangerous place to live if your not a Thera, Non-Thera people need to use spells witch protect them from elements to be in the Frozen Sands safely. And even them those brave mages who travel out there hardly come back. And when they do, they can not get themselvfs to talk about what they saw.