
Best known for being the homeland of the Vilegrave's. Vernay's history is probly the best recorded in the world. Religion is in very part of this country, one can truly feel its holy energy in very brick of its buildings. To the point that those with evil souls start to feel sick just being in the city streets. It's filled with tight cities, where even in the modern era walking is the main form of in city transport. Outside of there bussling cites there is small towns that are just as lively as the big cites. in between relativity untouched nature thrive.
The rest of the world who looks at VerNay see a place that could meet the expatiations of the modern world better. Being a country who believes so strongly in its traditions of equality. The fact that there's no clear people at "The Top" is otherworldly. Many view it a as a waste and a shame to not indulge in money. From the founding of the Country they ran on a system that lets every citizen live a fair and lovely life whether they had money or not. And VerNay takes Pride in being able to hold this system up for so many hundreds of years.
With there Grand Magical resources Vernay has been able to avoid many ills that other places deal more often. Wars, Pledges, Drought, and other things have been able to be evaded with magic. But that dosent mean VerNay is Free from all Evils in the world. Curses, Demons, And Outsiders have been in there lands for centuries. Some say that's because There God may of given them too many blessings, and it must be evened out. While others tell tales about how being so close to the God of life only attracts things that crave to put lives to there end. Everyone says something driffrent about why they think it is the way it is. but no one knows for sure...
VerNay is a country that gives there citizens direct voting power, as well as being able to propose there own laws. There is a council who keeps the government side of things running, such a being a Judge or lawyer, but they have no higher voting power then anyone else. They used to have a High Councilor possession... But after There High Councilor left there position the Citizens did not want to vote a new one in. And for tradition stake still there Ex-High Councilor as a honorary one. Other then the Country Council the next important leader is the Bishop of their main church(Hevlin), Who often also acts as the face of the country.
Law enforcers: The Blood Coven, are majority mages with spells ment to keep people in place or spells that dispell other spells. Less magically inclined peace keepers use blunt tools if needed, but most offtenly are just trained clam down the situation with a person, with taking a person down being the last resort. They often also are VerNay's only official defense against Demons and other super natural events. The Blood Coven often hind there faces, and take extra steps to hide who they really are. as a way to ensure they dont put their personal feelings into their work.

VerNay has a Hemblick culture, but with a high level of Koroblin invfules from their history of being under koroblin control. There is not one Pure Hemblick Culture in any one country.
They say the poorest person in VerNay as a better standard of living then a Middle class American. It helps that VerNay spends most of its resources on its citizens... and that they don't use money.... and its hard to be poor in a country where money isn't a factor.
Public Action
Parts of VerNay wish to make more of the word like them, tho there way of doing so is by just being a good sample... While other citizens wish to just keep the countries power and reach in its own borders. Vernay understands that they are seen as a week country that would be easy to invade. So they often feel like they must please everyone, or just try to stay out of the way.
VerNay's History is a long and tangled one. Being the origin of the Vilegraves, there family history weaves in and out of VerNay's own history.
Ancient History
Before VerNay was founded its people were unorganized and known as The Necrin Clans Who lived in the Runeway, VerNay, and Endbur Area. Sharing a language culture and religion but not sharing any leadership. For Centuries not much changed in the Necrin lands, Technology, language, and art did have any major changes over time. But magic did, When Solomon Vilegrave discovered Necromancy, quickly spreading around in the area. Much of the culture started to change. But things took a turn for the worst, The peaceful people where easily token over by Koroblins durring the fall of Velika.
Koroblin Occupation
Lasting for 124 years, Koroblins Escaping the rule of Taptoka Settled into the Necrin Lands. Forcing the Necrin people into forced labor, And killing anyone who disagrees with there rule. Many Necrin people surrendered to VerNay Hoping that being peaceful would lead to a better outcome. For about 100 years The Koroblin monarchy Ruled with a iron fist. Enforcing Currency witch is new to the Necrin people. And making unfair laws from making Maigc above level 2 illegal, to making Half-Koroblins ineligible to any Full koroblin rights. VerNay was starting to be unstable. It wasn't till the made the Necrin people's religion illegal that they started to get major pushed back. People started to revolt. In order to try to ease the unrest the monarchy marry a oracle most praised by the humans and Half-Koroblins... Solomon Vilegrave. Witch was probably the worst choice anyone has ever made... Or the best if your not in the Koroblin Monarchy.
Vilegrave Rule
Once the Vilegrave's where able to take rule of VerNay things changed a lot. Taking in the Traditions of the Necrin people While moving forward. The Vilegrave's Focused on giving everyone equal rights and freedom to express magic and religion. Tho the biggest change was rolling back from Currency back to a Gift-economy, It took many years to do so, and trading with outside countries became hard, but not impossible. More and more time went into focusing into there own country they forgot about the rest of the world. Rarely stepping in to help overs. For the first 100 years of Vilegrave rule they had a intense focus of making VerNay perfect. The Country had found it's self being the center of Necromancy and Many Religions Following Hemblin. Magics and arts was what it was known for, but it was as equally known for pushing out those who didn't follow the Vilegraven Standers.
It wasnt untill The Infamous Blood Plague from 450 CE to 540 CE That VerNay started to try to give it's "Perfection" to other near by countries. Many Clerics severing VerNay went to places that where severely hit by the Plague. To Both heal and convert those around them. Giving VerNay a reputation that still follows them to this day, one of seeing them selves as better then everyone else. Seemingly all ways trying to Perfect their country the vilegraves would spend centuries trying to make VerNay The perfect place to live. It might be true that its a easy place to live but in reaching for being perfect the country had turn into a echo chamber. And in 1653 Solomon Vilegrave aimed to break this cycle, by leaving the throne. Many of the Vilegrave Family Followed and left VerNay for good. Leaving many confused, but opening the path for VerNay to find its own way.
Modern VerNay
All tho still deeply tied to it's traditional roots VerNay, Modern VerNay tries it's best to be more open to different types of people. Over the years its social clement changed more then its laws and politics. Being more open to technology, and welcoming to foreigners, and giving aid to other nations. VerNay is seen as a place filled with Hope, Passion, and Love.... And for religious zealots
VerNay trades Magic, Education, Historical Objects, Magical Items, free libraries of many types of goods, Undead, and Art.
But they have to import in Technology, Processed foods.
Bleibo Lake: A large Freshwater Lake, known for its chilling temperature and healthy fish.
Lost Art Ruin: A Otherworldly ruin witch is run by demons. Art that has been lost all over the world ends up here. If you lost a piece of art you can go here and ask for it back! it might be there.
Old One's Island: A small tiny island with a ancient lighthouse, best known for being a place where Summoning ghost is quite easy..
Demography and Population
50% Half-Koroblin
25% Human
10% Koroblin
10% Humblin
5% Other
To note it is unclear if VerNay's Population Counts Undead as Living... and its death rate is equallily as confusing.
VerNay Dose not have a standing Miltary in the normal sense... But rather if a event where the people of VerNay are under attack, those trained in magic (mainly Necromancy) Take arms. By raising the dead. Unless Extremely needed VerNay never Sends the living to the front lines, Unless they are truly willing to die to protect there fellow people.
Technological Level
VerNay is not known for technology, tho it is known for being able to do much of its infrastructure with magic. Unlike most of the world VerNay dose not relay on biotech but mostly on magical items
By Far the religion of Hevlin is the most poplar. It's a religion that follows both Schain and Hemblin (depending on when in the timeline you are, they also fallow Sangre). Unlike other Helin secs in Vernay, Churches also uses as hospitals. Bigger Churches also can function as housing, libraries, and even university. In Vernay's capital Rebick, the capital building is a mix of a castel, church, university, museum, and governmental building.

VerNay's Laws are simple and mosty focus on protecting personal rights and making people's lives safer and easier.
But it's imagination laws are known for being strict. They vastly limit who is allowed in, as sense they have every limited and shared resources they can only let so many people in a year. They prioritize letting in refugees and others in need.
Agriculture & Industry
Most of its Agriculture and Industry is on a small scale, as they don't normally trade what food and basic mellrial they make with other countries. No matter what part of Agriculture or Industry you are looking at Vernay dose it in a substantially way, Working with nature rather then ageist it. There most grown crop is Jefben and the rest of the plant's family.
Schools have all ways been a complex thing in VerNay, Not that its hard to go threw but that its not like schools in other countries. School has three main categories.
Jur Zarcht: A school/Care center for babies ages 0-4. its a place where new parents and go to learn skills to take care of there child. As well as a place where busy parents can freely drop there child for the day. knowing that there kid will learn new basic life skills as well as langue.
Ersur Zarcht: A school for children ages 5-12. At this age school focuses on basic magic skills (level 1-2 of spells) and basic knowalage about the world. Each age group have there own 'home rooms' witch they learn the life styles, then spending time in other classrooms where they learn subjects from people spicalized in them. Often other people in the coumenty will come in to teach lessions to the class about what skills they have, or to give kids ideas about what being a grown up can be like.
Sting Zarcht: School for people ages 13-19. This is when people can start picking what subjects they want to focus on. being able to pick what classes they can take, and how long they take them. Each sudtent aslo has a counser who only has a handful of sudents at a time. Someone who helps them pick what classes they should take, find what kinds of hobbies intresst them. And over all helping them figure out what to do.
After The basic school years its up to the person if they want to go to deeper education. University and college are free for all adults so one can all ways go back to school if they wanted. Other then Universities there is also many community classes/clubs people can join!
VerNay is built to be extremely accessible for all kinds of people. Cities are built with manly mass transit, and walkability. All people who grew up in VerNay learn both Spoken and Signed langue at the same time, making things much easier for those who are hard of hearing or those who cant hear.
As VerNay is a moneyless country, it has a lot of infrastructure of sharing and gifting things to people. Bartering dose happen but most common thing is to gift and share with others. You can find Places/Libraries where you can borrow tools for the weekend if your building something, in witch after words you would give it back to the 'library' when your done. Most things that you dont need forever are in library, from cars, tools, Books, Children's items like and clothing furniture, you can find just about everything. And when you do need something more long term you can go to 'Shops' or 'Gifting centers' Gifting Centers are where people Donate things that they made, or no longer need for other people to have. There are even boxes where you can write down what you need, and one of your neighbors will do there best to help you out. 'Stores' On the other hand vary a lot. The most common are food markets where local farmers and neighborhood Gardens bring in there harvests to share with the neighborhood. Leftovers that dont get picked up are then taken to community kitchens where people will cook them to preserve them for later. The other kind of 'Store' Are those with goods from other countries and bigger groups of trade unions in VerNay. Things from these kinds of shops can be obtained in two different kinds of ways. You can just take it, or your neighborhood as a whole can take it as a whole to add it to the library of objects of the whole neighborhood to share.
Foreign Relations
VerNay is seen as a country that is all ways willing to help a good cause. Tho trading with the Country can be hard as the do not use money within there country, trading with others with goods or services for said goods for services. And when someone with in VerNay needs money they will go to foreign countries to sell of there goods.