
Koroblins are best known for a few things, diversity in appearance, intelligence, and their black blood. This blood type gives them a weakness to magic, a Koroblin is completely unable to cast magic. Magic also does more harm to a Koroblin.
But, Their black blood gives them a 2nd Form. When a Koroblin would normally die from bleeding out, they supernaturally turn into a monstrous version of themselves, sometimes even gaining spell-like abilities they normally could not use. Unlike their human cousins Koroblin tend to have higher intelligence but lack emotional intelligence.
Koroblins are practically carnivores, needing to eat manly meat and bone. No matter the subtype of Koroblin they are all known for their sharp teeth and carnivorous diet. This has led Koroblins to a reputation of being dangerous to be around.
Physical description
Koroblin physical characteristics vary so highly that many believe that the world Koroblin is just an umbrella word for many species that have black blood and a 2nd form. Some Koroblins look so close to humans they can easily pass as such others look more like bipedal animals, and there are Koroblins all over that spectrum. There are six main types of Koroblin subspecies.
Common Social Structure
Koroblin societies tend to be matriarchal. Female Koroblins tend to be bigger and stronger than male Koroblins. Having the temperament of a “Mother Bear”. Koroblin gender as a whole seems to be a flipped version of generic western Human gender views.
Relations With other Humanoids
Koroblin society often teaches its citizens that they are better than another species. This was especially bad in early history, but over the centuries many Koroblin societies have softened this view. In more dark and violent timelines this sentiment of Koroblin superiority have led Koroblins to do unforgivable things to the world.
Common Temperament
Koroblin personalities tend to end up in two different temperaments Active or Intellectual. Active Koroblins have hard times sitting still or spending time studying wanting to take action rather than think things through. While Intellectual Koroblins tend to have such high drives to want to learn and invent, that they tend to risk their lives in the name of knowledge.
As a whole though all Koroblins have one thing in common, they do not fear death. Having a 2nd form has made Koroblins extremely willing to toe the line of life and death. Their instinct to fight, to kill, and to learn; greatly exceeds their instinct to live. This does not mean that they don’t care about when others die. Simple when it comes to a Koroblin the risk of dying in order to get their goals does not seem to be that bad of a risk.
Reasons to Adventure
Koroblins have many reasons to go out in the world. From simply wanting to learn and investigate what is out there, wanting to protect their friends or family, or just wanting a reason to fight.
Common Names
Names: Greatly depends on the Koroblin culture, but one thing all Koroblin naming conventions have is that names are not gendered. Most Koroblins, regardless of where they are from, name themselves in the Koroblin language.
Name Samples: CaBe, HuTe, FaJok, GiEh, AhRe, MaTeAh
For a randomly generated Koroblin name Click Here
Pathfinder Traits and Abilities
Standard Racial Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers:+2 Intelligence. +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
Size:Koroblins are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed:Koroblins have a base speed of 30 feet.
Second Form:Koroblins enter a second form when they are about to die from violence. When a Koroblin is reduced below 0 hit points, they do not fall unconscious. They instead enter a second form that is unique to themselves, changing in appearance and gaining some new abilities. A Koroblin can be in their second form for a number of rounds equal to 3 + Constitution modifier. Once entering their second form, a Koroblin gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half their maximum hit points. Being reduced below 0 hit points second form causes a Koroblin to actually fall unconscious, or die if dealt enough damage.
A full guide to make 2nd forms is on page X
Magic Incompetence:All Koroblins are incapable of wielding magic of any sort, aside from spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities gained in their second form. They may not choose any class that gains spells or supernatural abilities. *classes like paladin,bard,ranger can be played though you’ll never get spell levels but you can have their class features.
Magic Scent: 30 feet by sense of magic sent, being able to spell magic, magical beginnings or magical items. A Koroblin can not use this magic scent to do a spellcraft check.
Vemi(wolf-like): Found mostly in northern cold places of the world. They have Head, Claws and tails of wolves. Vemi who live side by side with humans tend to look more dog-like. Vemi tend to be around 6-8 feet tall. these koroblins gain low light vision and a bite attack (1d6), and a claw attack (1d4) They also gain cold resistance 5.There more refined noses give them a more keen Magic Scent, being able to tell when the spell was casted, and being able smell what school of magic was casted (if any)
Dew(Feline like): Found in the inner sea region of Asia,These koroblins have Feline like faces, claws, and tails. and tend to be shorter than most koroblins. Being around 5-6 feet tall these koroblins gain low light vision and a claw attack (1d4) They also get +4 to climbing.
TeOi (Herbivore Like): found in the middle east to north Eurasia. All tho these koroblins have the heads of Herbivores like deer, goats, or bulls. their mouths are filled with sharp teeth. They range 7-10 feet tall. they gain a bite attack (1d6) lose +2 int but gain a +2 strength. These koroblins are known for being great hutters as they can blend in with Herbivore herds, and gain +3 survive when hunting
Roi (Human Like): Mainly from central and east Asia, Their flat human-like face makes it easier for them to blend in with humans. They tend to have small pointed ears, and small fangs. These Koroblins gain +5 to disguising as human.
Gan (Dragon): mainly found in south east Asia this koroblin subtype that seem human like other than there bright colorful skin, Horns that are composed of a bony core covered in skin, long scaled tails, and often a mix of skin and scales. These koroblins tend to be 6-8 feet tall. These koroblins gain +4 to swim checks they also again a Gore attack (1d6)
Boin (Reptile like):Living in Tropical and hot places. This koroblin Subtype is covered in scales, talon-like hands, and spiked tails. They are around 7-10 feet tall . They gain a tail attack (1d4) and a claw attack (1d4) They also gain Heat resistance 5, +3 to climb and +3 to swim checks.
Jan (cloven hoofed): From the small island of KaJo, Jan Koroblins are known for thick fur on their legs, having cloven hoofs, a long thin tail that ends with a puff of fur, and a single horn on their head. They are around 6-8 feet tall. These Koroblins are not effected by Difficult Terrain penalties due to their cloven hooves. They gain a tail attack (1d4) As well as gaining +5 to their movement speed.