
Briland has all ways seen it as better as the rest of the world. With the belief that people from any walk of life can become top dog. Briland often tries to set up colonies all over the world, with little succus. but that dosent stop it looking away from its own lands and hoping for more. The land of Briland it's self is dry of recourses, the once wooded lands have changed to one of factories and cites. Early on making its self the work Horse of Europe. It's seen as a great place to go to school, or learn how to make a business, but a sad place to live.
And yet some how they convinced many people across the world that Briland would be a great place to live and work. Maybe its beacuse of the many famous people from there, or there okay movies and books. It's gain some good image...
Briland has a culture of rules and manors or at least thats what they want you to think. There all most two main cultures in Briland, the one of the Rich and the one of the poor. And they are all most all ways at odds. The working class has headed punk and rock movments, whitch is loved world wide. But in Brilland it's self Its seen as a crude "art". While the rich still make "Classic" Art, Plays with no words, Music that last up to a hour, And paintings of knights and old heros.
Many say the Hight of living in Briland started and ending in the middle ages. Knights known as the "Iron hooves" seemingly owned each kingdom in Briland and fought for people's freedoms. But once those Kingdoms Came together under one Crown, things took a change for the worst. As the Crown became thirsty for more and more power. Reaching its arms to the rest of the world. Trying and sometimes sucseading at taking control of other places. Weather it was fully or just control with trade.
Lucky for the rest of the world, the people who Briland took over, came togreather and faught for there freedom. And yet Brilland acts like they rule the world.
Demography and Population
Briland is a Very human Country
90% Human
5% Half koroblin
5% Everyone else.
Foreign Relations
Eydan : Brilland once tried to take over Eydan and failed. The two countries very much hate each other now.