
Etanta is a old country witch many ancient temples and ruines. Filled with amazing art and architecture. Many of the cities in Etanta are along side of the major Rivers of Etanta. Away from thoses rivers Etanta tends to be dry and rocky. This dry air has helpe keep many of their ancient temples in good Condition. Sadly over the years many graverobbers from over countries have stolen many arcifacts. Some countries like Brilland have even stolen whole walls or door ways. After about 80 years of Brilland opucation, Etanta was able to celebrate their own culutre again. Modren Etanta is a lovely place to be with a sense of joy of freedom being found everywhere.
Many of Etanta's animals are built to live in or around rivers, some of it's animals are built around knowing that the plains will flood. of the creatures here compliany change form when touching water, or when there is enough water. The most famouns animal from here is the Hrydile a horse that has crocodile features, that when it touches deep water becomes even more crocodile like.
Etanta is known for be the first people to trailblase painting in a hyper realist tyle. Best known for murals of windows looking into banquet halls with food that all ways looks freash. While other murals for temples show doorways to other planes, showing magical sceens. Another popular type of Etantan art is mosaics, the most common type of mosaic art is scecns of river floors from a top down view. Stores in Etanta often paint hyper realsitic paintings of what they sell on the outsdie walls of the stores. Even modren stores have murals of goods they sell on walls. While homes normally have murals on the insdie of the home.
Etanta food uses a lot of milks, creams, and cheeses. Common dishes are flat breads with a creamy veggie dip, and a main protein that can be fish or vegi based. Red or white meats are a less common food, and tends to be a 'uper class' food. Dried foods are also very common with there being many ways to dry and presere food. Most uquic way of drying food being putting foods into clay pots and then burring them undergound. having the dry dirt and clay suck out the water from the food.
Entanta is a nearly anchent country, with a deep and long history. But in 1006 AV Briland took control of Entanta, it was a bloody dark moment in the country. Untill 1087 AV when the remaining Etantan people where able to free themselvfes. They had to really rebuild their country and culture. The living Etantan people in the country had to really rebuild all that they had lost. Mordern Etanta may not look just like it's past, but they where able to build up a new Etanta.
The religon that Etanta had/has changed a lot after Brilland took over. Many of their writings where lost, and even many religoush leaders where lost too. So the Etanten people who serived tried there brest to pick up the peacies. The pepople of Etanta worship the planes as a whole, and how those planes work togreather. Most clerics chose one plane to spiclezed in one plane.