
This is a be overview of many cultures only to give you a idea of a wider cultural landscape if you haven't chosen one country to be from
Hemblick refer to a cultural background that crosses borders. Hemblick refer to a European religious culture who follow Hemblin as there main (or only god)
Naming Convention
These are a handfull of names that are common in Hemblick culutures. These are not the only names but a sample size of some
Feminine names
Shane, Shalla, Grathrella, Sintha, Sinsong, Belltha, Sue-Shana, Mara, Mera, Thina, Deathin, Suedin
Masculine names
Schain, Malcolm, Grace, Gale, Rinton, Barthelme, Cerise, Yaphet, Rowgin, Luvern, Dollen
Unisex names
Regardless of gender Classical Hemblick names tend to be long, but other the years names that fit more into the courtly they are in, are more favorable.
Family names
Hemblick come from Values that Families hold. Many last names come from virtues or jobs that the family had pride in.
Common last names: Vensit, Ashton, Grave, Doctur, Vile, GoodGrave, Shroomler, Kelpter, Phins, Cobbler, Tomes, Books, Banks, Gravesmith, Stonesmith, Masion, Yards
Other names
Many common names are common words as a big group of Hemblick People enjoy the tradition of naming the child the word that a family member said as they where being born. But just as many Hemblick people change there name as they get older, to fit themselves better. Culture
Modern Clothing
Most Hemblick dress covering them selfs from neck to toe. its seen as a "sin" to show skin. not because its "sexy" but because the more skin you show the more of a chance you have of getting hurt. And carelessly wasting blood is a sin. wearing transparent fabrics that show off your body is still seen as modest as long as your skin isn't exposed to air. Less religious Hemblick people do no care about this 'Dress code', but this is still seen as a sign of rebellion. People's closets tend to be filled less clothing but the clothes one dose have tend to be expensive, or hand made with a high level of skill. People take care of there clothing as much as they take care of there body, often being able to be passed down. If a clothing peace is too small or too big, one would change it to make it fit rather then throwing it out. It's also common to resew clothing to fit more modern styles. while Having many clothes can often be seen as vain, and uncaring.
Gender Ideals
Beauty Ideals
Relationship Ideals
Shared Vaules
Customs, those who marry into the culture often find it overwhelming how much there is to know. Manors and showing respect is seen as a true virtue. Even living it's self is a virtue on its own. To a outsider the customs and rules in Hemblick culture seems suffocating, but those in it know when and how to 'break' the rules. It helps that people often care more about respecting you then you fitting in the rules. Customs can be such as all ways bring a gift (no matter how small) when visiting someone's home. Phrasing your words just right is very important, like never saying 'Good Bye' unless you really truly mean you'll never been seen by the other person again. Or saying "Until tomorrow" rather then Good night. somethingsomething
Above everything the biggest shared values are the ones about Necromancy and the importance of life. Necromancy is to be used to keep the living safe, keep the memory of someone alive, and for other religious values. Necromancy is seen as fully holy and not to used for evil. Vilegraven/Hemblick countries often do not have any living foot solders, but rather skilled Necromancers who control the undead. So none of the living need to die in war. With murder is one of the biggest sins in Vilegraven/Hemblick culture. Vilegraven/Hemblick armies focus on self defense rather then hurting the other army. its seen as a last resort to send the living to war.
taking care of your neighbors is see as a social duty. Many countries that are Hemblick have high standers of living, many outsiders believe that Hemblick people are all rich and powerful. while on the outside it can look like that, that perception comes form that that in Hemblick countries there's so much social help, that poor and rich look very different then in other places.
Hemblick people are known best for there views of the Undead/Necromancy. The way they cast Necromancy differ then the classic mindless undead. If the person died with in the last 25 years bringing them back as a undead keeps there personhood. Undead keep there personalities and memories, tho unable to speak Undead naturally are able to speak in Sign Language. tho this isnt the same more rasing someone into a undead if they died more then 25 years ago. the longer ago they died the less and less they are like what they where when alive. People who died 100 years or more become mindless undead. People can write a will where they can say if they want to be brought back as a undead or not. Many who want to be brought up as a undead do so to things like, conutioning working to give money to there family, finish there bucket list, Ect, Ect.
Views on resurrection is a whole another wheel house. Resurrection spells are known to be expiviesve, its hard to bring a person back and have there soul fully come back too. So most common people never even see resurrection as a option. But there are some cases where getting a resurrection casted is much more cheaper to cast, and in some cases free. Accidental deaths are seen as something that is much more worth a resurrection. Many churches will preform resurrections for much cheaper, and a certain family are known for casting mass resurrections during mass death events.
Art & Architecture
Reds, Grays, Marrons, and blacks are commonly used in art and architecture. In architecture wooden houses with tons oh detailed cravings and super common. 2nd most used thing in buildings is stone. They love putting details in there buildings to tell stories of the people who lived or live there. Cities are so detailed and lovelying made that viewers often lose track of time looking at all the cravings. The oldest Vilegraven/Hemblick cities are covered in art in every corner. being a artist is a honor. There art tends to be in dull colors with themes of plants and nature being the most common. They rarely painting or show dead bodies in there art works. tho bones and undead are much more common, but a dead person is much more rare.
Foods & Cuisine
Many Hemblick food is manly plant based with a small amount of meat, tho koroblins and half-koroblins of this group add more meat to their dishes. Their stable food are called "Beni" The group of domesticated Dandelion plants. Witch have three main types Benrell, Benriv, and Jefben. All most every dish uses one of these plants in one way. Another staple in Hemblick food is dried meats and cooking techtneaks to rehydrate said foods. Soups and stews are very common.
caramelized Benrell Buns- a caramelized churchy outside shell with a gummy marshmallow-like doughy inside
Traditions and Holidays
Vilegraven/Hemblick people are known for having parties, Big festivals, and grand holidays. Having dinner parties where friends and family come to keep up with each other is something people like to do as often as they can.
GrandMas- in the warmer month the church leader decides when is the best to celebrate GrandMas, its a 1-3 night festival where everyone in a church will do something for the other members, like doing a magic show, selling food, cleaning up ect. Carnivals are very common durring grandmas and seen as the main event, many church hold meetings and lessons during this time.
Birth Rites
The birth of a child has always been seen as a important life event, for the kid and the mother. As birth can sometimes end in a death or two . to insure that all will go fine, vilegraves all ways go to doctors to handle this kind of event. in the other room/place the family, close friends of the mother, as well as Priest. wait for the child to be born they eat, talk, play games as they wait. The Priest is their not talk or take part in the family's festivities but to keep track on each word said at the party. as the word said at the same time as the baby was born will become their name. Some families are a lot more careful about what they say or do during one of these parties. if the family is not happy with the name and want to change it, they have the chose to change how the world is spelled. translate it into another langue or combining the last word said with the word said before it. this naming process is exreamly impornt to their tradition, as it shows that you understands life's uncertainties.